Miller clamp function board for discrete Power Semiconductors in TO-247 3-/4-pin evaluation platform
This Reference Board is the first drive card of the universal evaluation platform and it contains the EiceDRIVER™ 1EDC Compact (1EDC60H12AH)(To be change) with an integrated active Miller clamp preventing parasitic turn-on. The second drive card includes the EiceDRIVER™ 1EDC Compact (1EDC60H12AH)(to change) allowing a bipolar supply, where VCC2 is +15 V and GND2 is negative.
Summary of Features
- VCC2 gate drive voltage supply from -5 V to +20 V
- VCC1 supply fixed at +5 V
- Gate connection via SMA-BNC connector
- Current measurement via optional Coaxialshunt
- Optimized commutation loop
- External load inductor connection
- Heatsink design allows testing at various temperatures
- Customer can use the drivecard layout as a reference for their own designs
- Possible to benchmark all TO-247 3-pin and 4-pin packages (independent from base material technology or manufacturer)
- A modular approach of the motherboard allows future extensions of the platform
Recommended board combination

The EVAL-PS-DP-MAIN is the motherboard mandatory for the daughtercard to be operated. It provides the connectors needed to run the board.