1200 V, 40 A IGBT Discrete with anti-parallel diode in TO-247 package
The Reverse Conducting R5 1200 V, 40 A RC-H5 IGBTs with monolithically integrated reverse conducting diode in a TO-247 package has been optimized for the demanding requirements of Induction Cooking applications. With a monolithically integrated diode, the 1200 V RC-H5 IGBTs are perfectly suited for soft switching applications such as induction cooking stoves and inverterized microwave ovens. The RC-H5 IGBT complement the previous generation of reverse conduction IGBTs and extend the performance leadership of the RC-H family, focusing on system efficiency and reliability.
Summary of Features
- Switching losses reduced by 20%
- Very low conduction losses
- Reduced turn-on current spike up to 10%
- Tj(max) = 175°C
- Soft current turn-off waveforms for low EMI
- Increased switching frequency
- Lowest power dissipation
- Better thermal management for higher reliability
- Lower EMI filtering requirements
- Reduced system costs
- Highest reliability against peak current