Microcontroller Product Longevity
Microcontroller Products - Longevity information
Infineon’s longevity program ensures that based on Infineon current estimate of and subject to the actual product demand, Infineon currently plans to have available the participating products, listed below, or a form, fit and function-compatible device, for a minimum of 15 years from the date of first sale (the “Supply Period”).
*Availability - Infineon’s availability and longevity program is enabled by and subject to:
- Product re-qualification - the participating products may change materials, technology or be transferred to different manufacturing facilities. All changes of similar nature will be notified to our customers through our standard PCN process.
- Product migration – Infineon may require customers to migrate to fit, form, function compatible products in circumstances beyond our control, e.g. protection against security vulnerabilities is needed, legislation obliges us to obsolete or alter the product, etc.
- Continuous demand - Infineon reserves the right to obsolete the product prior to the expiration of the Supply Period if there is a lack of demand and corresponding orders in a 12-month period.
In case the product of interest is not included in the longevity program, please submit a customer case in our support system to discuss an alternate solution.