There are incredible opportunities for growth and advancement in my career as a project manager. I have attended many professional training courses (such as PMD, PME, and PJM Forum), and have gained IPMA C certification.
Project Managers
#WeAreIn managing, leading, and being experts – all at once. Are you in?
Join us as Project Manager.

People put a lot of trust in me to navigate them to victory. I am passionate about my job as it helps me to shape my mind, becoming a strategic thinker and good problem solver.
Grace's Story
Navigating teams to victory
Since 2021, Grace has been Project Director at Infineon Malacca, Malaysia. She joined the company in 2013 as Project Manager. Now she specializes in developing packages for new product releases. She prides herself on her flexibility and adaptability, as well as her strategic and problem-solving skills.
Grace in five words:
StrategicThinker SolutionFinder Optimizer SynergyRecognizer MusicianMy job is to lead the project team in developing and releasing trendsetter packages and new products which contribute to energy-saving and e-mobility applications. My daily tasks involve planning projects based on their unique requirements and guiding the teams through all the challenges. My goal is to make sure the project is a success, sticking to the given timeline, budget, and scope.

Power package products which can be used in battery disconnect switches, air conditioners, on-board chargers, DC-DC converters, and so on. The results of my work are tied to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the promotion of electromobility.
We need to develop a good device for battery charging stations or on-board charging in the car with fast charging times to encourage the world to transition to electrical cars in future.

Successfully leading the project team releasing trendsetter HSIP247 and QDPAK TSC package platforms in BE MAL manufacturing process, supporting the business division to launch the new products to market.
Being fast and agile in the systematic environment of project management, to enable fastest time-to-market for new product launches. This is the number one focus in project management – to enable business wins and bring good profits to the company.
Every time the management board approves a project for delivery to the customer. It means the project has been a success and it‘s time to reap the rewards! Our teamwork is being recognized!

I have an extremely versatile job. I work in a productive environment which is fast-moving and my team and I have to adapt quickly to new situations nearly every day. Leading, developing, and motivating people, and seeing them grow as a team is the highlight of my job.
Franziska's Story
Flexibility in the face of ever-changing priorities
In 2010, Franziska started out on a trainee program at Infineon Regensburg, before becoming Project Manager and – in 2021 – Senior Manager. Along with her team, she is responsible for improving pre-assembly processes and making them more stable. Given that priorities change nearly every day, flexibility is a key skill for her job. Other must-haves include interpersonal communication so she can keep an open mind about the needs of her team and her stakeholders.
Franziska in five words:
Optimizer Allrounder Coach Artist PhotographInfineon is a great company with a trustful working environment. In addition, there are a lot of opportunities for employees to develop themselves.
My main tasks in my last position as Project Manager were to define, plan, and execute projects for new products and systems. Developing something new from sketch to production was a great opportunity.
The results of my work were complex projects which were successfully executed on time. In addition, results included building a trustful working environment together with stakeholders and key customers.
The opportunities at Infineon are very good. There are options to change sites, for example, I was 2.5 years in Villach. Also there are a lot of possibilities to change and to develop in different areas and fields of knowledge at the various sites.
One of my highlights is to work with my team every day. To see how they develop and start to work together in an effective way. In addition, I like to see that bringing structure to teams and workflows makes life easier for everybody.
Challenges are mainly the communication between a lot of different stakeholders in the production area. In addition, the production area is quite fast-moving and so new challenges are waiting for me nearly every day.
Good and on time. In a production environment, it’s important to find a balanced way to deliver quality and to be on time.

I lead multiple technical and quality teams, also liaising with the business and with management to bring various competencies together and integrate them to deliver software products on time, in budget, and at quality.
Antony's Story
Bundling technical, management, and interpersonal skills
Antony has been with Infineon Bangalore since 2013. Initially a Project Manager, he advanced to the role of Project Director in 2020. In the quest to meet customer requirements, his job is to bring together and integrate the best knowledge and competencies available. This calls for seamless collaboration across disciplines and solid problem-solving skills.
Antony in five words:
Leader CreativeThinker Artist SubjectMatterExpert VolunteerEvery individual is empowered to play to the fullest of their potential. Constructive conflict helps to bring out the best in everybody.
As Project Director, I am responsible for the delivery of software products. I lead multiple technical and quality teams, also liaising with the business and with management to bring various competencies together and integrate them to deliver software products on time, in budget, and at quality. To do this, I draw on a combination of technical, management, and interpersonal skills.
I am responsible for the AURIX™ software roadmap within the automotive microcontroller business. I lead a team of project managers who, in turn, manage various projects that bring AURIX™ to life.
I lead and mentor project managers to deliver safe and secure software products for AURIX™ microcontrollers. I also work with management and business to define and realize software product roadmaps.
I pulled forward the AURIX™ SafeTlib productive release by approximately 6 months to enable our lead customer to release their product on time. I also delivered the A2G MCAL product with 80 variants by working with technical and methodology teams to handle the complexity of testing.
Working with teams with different (sometimes conflicting) stakes and arriving at a solution that serves the business requirements on schedule, in budget and at quality.
I am proud of the project management structures and standards that we have developed in the automotive microcontroller software division over the past 8 years. We were rated ASPICE level 3 by DENSO. This maturity helped us win more software business and revenue. It also helped us to deliver on time and manage the complexities.
One of the critical items is deviation management. This is where theory meets reality. Trust, knowledge, and teamwork are required to navigate complex business situations.

I am Director Project Management Excellence, leading project managers in Padua, Italy, as well as configuration managers across four sites. I lead people to continuously improve in their roles and – working with colleagues from other sites – I contribute to methodology topics at Infineon.
Paola's Story
Climbing the project management ladder
Since joining Infineon at Padua, Italy, as Project Manager in 2014, Paola has climbed many steps of the project management ladder, most recently advancing from Project Director to Director Project Management Excellence in 2022. She combines strong people leadership skills with project management competence and resilience to ensure automotive power supply projects run successfully.
Paola in five words:
ActiveDriver SportsEnthusiast Photograph Consultant LeaderInfineon is a leading-edge semiconductor company in the automotive field, offering the possibility to work in an international and cross-cultural environment.
As project director, I was responsible for the delivery of project timelines and budgets with full responsibility for all operational decisions in the project and for the successful achievement of all the project targets. I was in charge of steering project execution – in accordance with existing business processes and legal requirements – through milestones from initial feasibility to production release. My work included management of project risks and countermeasures.
Infineon gives people good opportunities to grow – also across different roles.
Ensuring that my team performs according to up-to-date project management methodologies and tools, leading automotive power supply projects, monitoring project execution.
Hiring and developing new resources in my team, coaching them and involving them in tasks based on interests and abilities, creating a highly professional and motivational environment implementing learning actions, and best practice sharing across the sites of the business line.
Time-to-market is fundamental in high-tech companies. So in my job, I prioritize the fulfilment of process compliance and high-quality deliverables, challenging my team to find the optimum solution in projects as a trade-off between commitment dates, performance, and costs.

As a smart data expert, I am the link between manufacturing and IT. I work with multifunctional teams to improve fab processes and decision-making with artificial intelligence. In my job, I am continuously learning new things about data science and semiconductor manufacturing.
Liana's Story
Interfacing between science and engineering
Liana joined Infineon Regensburg in 2017 as a product engineer within the International Graduate Program (IGP). A Smart Data Expert in front-end manufacturing since 2019, she focuses on generating value for Infineon by combining data science with manufacturing processes. With her eagle eye and strong team spirit, she acts as an analytics translator between data science and domain engineering teams.
Liana in five words:
Supporter Florist CreativeThinker Volunteer NetworkerIn Infineon, you feel part of the company early on. Regardless of your interests, personality and preferences, it is likely you will find your dream job here. There are many reasons for this – from the inspiring products that we use daily in our home appliances and cars, through the international environment that is so welcoming, to the supportive team spirit between colleagues. Once you are with Infineon, you want to stay with Infineon.
One of my main tasks is identifying areas for data science applications. I accomplish this by engaging with domain engineers about their challenges and organizing workshops to brainstorm ideas, for example. Also, I have to analyze a bunch of data myself before I can ask a data scientist to develop a solution. It helps me to “translate” the business requirements into data science and find the right solution to a problem. And vice versa: I support domain engineers and management in “translating” the results from analytics solutions into business insights. Finally, I am in charge of coordinating AI implementation projects in manufacturing until handover to full operation.
It depends on your point of view. From a business standpoint, the results are a successfully completed project with a neural network or a regression algorithm implemented in IT infrastructure (for example, for automatic image classification, or forecasting for predictive maintenance). From a human perspective, the result is a happy internal customer – be that a maintenance engineer who could prepare a maintenance task in advance thanks to forecasting, or an operator who does not have to manually classify thousands of images every hour, or a manager who can make a quick decision in between meetings based on valuable insights drawn from data.
I don’t think I’m mistaken in saying that a “Smart Data Expert” – sometimes called an analytics translator – is a relatively new job title, which resulted from the boom in artificial intelligence and digitalization in recent years. Market and industry analyses predict that artificial intelligence technologies will continue to expand widely over the coming years, offering more innovation and creative solutions. And this is what I like about this job: things do not become redundant. Each use case or project for an AI application is like a new expedition and when you team up, you find the treasure.
Stakeholder management is one of the more challenging tasks in my job. I have to constantly negotiate with colleagues from different functions, departments and sites. Usually, each stakeholder has their own understanding and expectations, which sometimes contradicts those of others. So to find a win-win solution for all of your stakeholders, you need to build good relationships with them from the very beginning of the project. You should also be able to communicate clearly and negotiate well.
Something special that happened at Infineon for me is the International Graduate Program (IGP), which started my career. Within 18 months, I had the honor of working at 3 locations in Europe and Asia. From the very first day, I received tasks that enabled a quick learning path and allowed me to build strong relationships across different Infineon departments and sites. In addition to the on-the-job training, soft skill and leadership training was provided. It is a very challenging program – like jumping into water without knowing how to swim. But I got constant supervision from my buddy, manager, and mentor. They not only helped me back then to quickly form a big picture of the company and acquire the necessary support, but even now still play an important role in my professional life. I am sure I would not be where I am now without this program. And I would absolutely recommend that graduates start their career with IGP at Infineon.

I am a quality-oriented and hands-on person – together with my team, I work on innovative IT solutions for our production. In close collaboration with our internal stakeholders, I strive for constant improvement of our local IT production landscape.
Johanna's Story
Teaming up for best results
Johanna came to Infineon Munich in 2015 as a master’s student. Promoted to Business Analyst Factory Integration in 2016, she is now Senior Manager Factory Integration / FI Site Coordinatorn in our production site in Warstein. Her networking and strategic thinking abilities help her to build bridges and improve understanding between the global FI department and local production needs.
Johanna in five words:
StrategicThinker Foodie Generalist SolutionFinder StepCounterTeaming up with colleagues from around the globe to achieve the best results by driving value through innovation.
A site coordinator is the contact on site representing the global FI organization. I ensure that global and site legacy FI services are aligned with the local business customer and that all services are maintained and operated with high stability. I work with different internal and external stakeholders to continuously improve our local IT production landscape. Functional roadmap planning and driving innovative FI solutions from idea to implementation are one essential part of my daily tasks.
As a people manager, I am responsible for people development to ensure best-fit resources and skills within the team to support innovation, digitalization, and automation.
We deliver 24/7, rock-solid stability for mission-critical IT production systems and enable innovative solutions for future manufacturing excellence.
I enjoy working with great experts from different departments and learning something new about our products and their production-related processes almost every day.
Setting priorities can be a challenge as we are under significant time pressure to solve our customers’ needs and most colleagues are involved in different projects. But we still always manage to achieve a team success.
Working with open-minded, innovative, and forward-thinking colleagues.
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