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Infineon believes in creating IoT technology that is unobtrusively integrated into our lives – in a world where we no longer need to push buttons because our devices intuitively understand what we want them to do. The key to this intuitive understanding lies in emulating the human senses. In other words, giving human-like senses to everything from > smart devices and > home appliances to > robots, > machines, and building automation systems. This contextual awareness allows “things” to finally detect and understand their surroundings, and to respond to human gestures and voice commands like never before.

Reflecting our holistic approach to IoT design, our vision is to complement our
> XENSIV™ sensors with state-of-the-art software to create a comprehensive picture of the world around us. Our broad sensor portfolio spans > MEMS microphones,
plus > pressure, > radar, > environmental, and > 3D image sensors (REAL3™). All of which enable designers to create more intelligent, contextually aware devices equipped with:

Giving eyes to things with REAL3™
time-of-flight sensors

Vision is one of the core senses in the move to smartify electronics and take the complexity out of interaction with humans. Similar to the human eye, a > ToF-based 3D imager measures how long it takes for light to bounce back off a subject.
It uses this feedback to create a 3D map of objects, rooms, and people in real time. Enabling secure, password-free, contactless mobile user experiences, our > REAL3™ ToF 3D image sensors are ideal for fast, seamless, and spoof-proof facial identification in applications like phone/app unlocking, mobile payments, and much.

For instance, in gaming and e-commerce applications, instant augmented reality and 3D scanning/mapping based on ToF sensors are opening up endless new possibilities.
> Watch here our latest webinar on the possibilities of ToF for mobile applications.


Powering the market's smallest depth
Sensing 3D camera with ToF

REAL3™ is Infineon's 3D imager family consisting of highly integrated time-of-flight (ToF) sensors. These single-chip imagers are sunlight-robust, highly scalable and ready for integration into a wide range of consumer, automotive and industrial applications.

Infineon’s REAL3™ time-of-flight image sensors enable electronic devices to acquire a real 3D map of its surroundings. Objects and people are transformed into the digital space in real time. Algorithms use that data to measure distances and sizes, to track motions and to convert the shape of objects into 3D models. Our products are designed to be integrated into the smallest 3D ToF camera modules, accurately measuring depth in the short and longer range at the lowest power consumption.

Learn more about our > ToF products

Environmental sensors
Measure what matters

Infineon’s XENSIV™ PAS CO2 sensor to track the environment you are in – for improved health, productivity, and overall well-being.

As a global leader in sensor technology, Infineon has developed a CO2 sensor chip that provides accurate, real-time CO2 measurement thanks to superior MEMS technology. The MEMS-based CO2 sensor uses Infineon’s MEMS microphone which acts as a pressure sensor and is optimized for low frequency operation. The XENSIV™ PAS CO2 sensor module integrates a PAS transducer, a microcontroller, and a MOSFET on the PCB.

Learn more about our > products


Enhanced object tracking with ultrasound

The popularity of voice user interfaces and the usage of audio recording to share information and experiences are increasing dramatically. Infineon introduces MEMS microphones with 67dB(A) SNR and ultrasonic receiving / sending capabilities.

It is designed for applications that require a microphone with extended capabilities into the ultrasonic range, for both receiving and sending ultrasonic pulses. It is perfect for devices with built-in MEMS microphones that want to benefit from any of the multiple uses of ultrasound.

Learn more about our> MEMS products

One-Stop Shop for USB-PD Chargers & Adapters

Infineon is the market leader in USB. With a complete portfolio of USB solutions, Infineon continues to innovate on emerging USB technologies. Infineon also provides the industry's most comprehensive "whole product" support, including software, reference designs and driver suites. This provides a one-stop shop for all USB needs and enables our customer to get to market faster, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Learn more about our > USB products

Reimaging innovation with a broad portfolio of easier, smarter & greener audio amplifiers

The Infineon MERUS™ portfolio of audio amplifiers continues to expand on a legacy of highly efficient class D audio amps combined with smarter front-end processing to create easier, smarter, and greener audio systems that span the range of 10W all the way to 5kW. No matter what you are making, MERUS™ audio has you covered.

Learn more about our > audio amplifiers