Shield2Go & My IoT
Testing IoT system behavior with an integrated prototyping concept
Infineon solutions are created with the needs of our developer community in mind. One specific need is the capacity to test the behavior of a system in a controllable and time-efficient manner.
As the answer, Infineon presents the Shield2Go portfolio featuring sensors, microcontrollers and security ICs that can be freely combined as part of an integrated prototyping concept. It is up to the developers to customize the perfect combination for their testing purposes.
Infineon’s new prototyping concept consists of a hardware and a software package that allows designers to quickly and efficiently set up the demonstration environment. The prototyping concept based on Shield2Go boards and My IoT adapters provides designers with the flexibility they seek – and it’s why Shield2Go is the number one choice for today’s prototypers.
Fastest evaluation and development of IoT systems
Infineon’s Shield2Go boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience. All boards are equipped with one Infineon IC and come with a ready-to-use Arduino library.
Supporting a quick start of the customized demonstration environment, Infineon’s Arduino-compatible My IoT adapter can be integrated via plug-and-play connectivity. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT software platforms.
Infineon’s Shield2Go boards are equipped with featured Infineon ICs and provide a standardized form factor and pin layout for fast orientation. All boards come with solderless connectors allowing designers to stack the boards instead of soldering them.
Engineers and makers can develop customized system solutions by freely selecting and combining Shield2Go boards in multiple ways based on their needs and use cases.
Design Material
PCB Files Altium
Share 01_00 | Aug 04, 2020 | ZIP | 1.99 mb
Share 01_00 | Aug 04, 2020 | ZIP | 643 kb
Share 01_00 | Aug 04, 2020 | PDF | 66 kb
Shield2Go Notes
Share 01_00 | Aug 04, 2020 | ZIP | 2 kb
Shield2Go Pinout
Share 01_00 | Aug 04, 2020 | PDF | 934 kb
Shield2Go Vektorgraphic
Share 01_00 | Aug 04, 2020 | ZIP | 970 kb
OPTIGA™ Trust E Security Shield2Go

Infineon’s Shield2Go Security OPTIGA™ Trust E boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one OPTIGA™ Trust E security chip and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT evaluation platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system in the market! Learn more
OPTIGA™ Trust X Security Shield2Go

Infineon’s Shield2Go Security OPTIGA™ Trust X boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one OPTIGA™ Trust X security chip and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT evaluation platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system on the market! Learn more

Infineon’s Shield2Go boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – this board is equipped with the XENSIV™ PAS CO2 sensor; ideal for smart-home and building automation as well as various indoor air quality IoT devices such as air purifiers, thermostats, weather stations and personal assistants. The sensor enables end users to track, understand and improve the air quality surrounding them in a timely and highly energy-efficient manner. XENSIV™ PAS CO2 Shield2Go Board comes with a ready to use Arduino library (via GitHub). Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT hardware platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of your IoT system.Learn More
TLV493D 3DSense Shield2Go

Infineon’s S2Go_3DSense_TLV493D boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one TLV493D-A1B6 magnetic sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT evaluation platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system on the market! Learn more
Do it yourself
3D printing files for 3D magnetic sensors joystick
Share 01_00 | Jan 20, 2021 | ZIP | 795 kb
3D printing files for 3D magnetic sensors linear slider
Share 01_01 | Feb 28, 2019 | ZIP | 469 kb
3D printing files for 3D magnetic sensors rotate knob
Share 01_00 | Aug 08, 2022 | ZIP | 508 kb
IM69D130 Microphone Shield2Go

Infineon’s Shield2Go boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with two High-performance digital MEMS Microphone IM69D130 and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT hardware platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system. Learn more
DPS310 Pressure Shield2Go

Infineon’s Shield2Go boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one DPS310 barometric pressure sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT hardware platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system. Learn more
DPS368 Pressure Shield2Go

Infineon’s Shield2Go boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one DPS368 barometric pressure sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT hardware platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system. Learn more
TLI4970 Current Sense Shield2Go

Infineon’s S2Go_CurrentSenseTLI4970 boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one TLI4970 current sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT evaluation platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system on the market! Learn more

Infineon’s XENSIVTM S2GO_3D_TLE493D-W2B6-A0 boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one TLE493D-W2B6 magnetic sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT evaluation platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system on the market! Learn more

Infineon’s XENSIVTM S2GO_2_Hall_TLE4966K boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one TLE4966K integrated circuit double Hall-effect sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT evaluation platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system on the market! Learn more

Infineon’s XENSIVTM S2GO_Hall_TLE4964-3M boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one TLE4964-3M magnetic hall sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT evaluation platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system on the market! Learn more
TLI493DW2BW-A0 3DSense Shield2Go

Infineon’s new XENSIVTM S2GO_3D_TLI493D-W2BW-A0 boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one TLI493D-W2BW-A0 magnetic sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT evaluation platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system on the market! It can be used together with XMC 2Go platform (plugged on top as depicted below: the sensor is placed above the USB connector). The hardware can be also connected remotely to any 3.3V compatible development kit. Attention: Do not connect the shield directly to Arduino UNO platforms which are operating at 5V! Learn more
TLI4971 Current Shield2Go

For evaluation purposes of the latest XENSIV™ current sensor TLI4971 we rely on our proven evaluation concept of Shield2Go and 2GO kits – therefore the TLI4971 evaluation environment is also offered in those two configurations:
Two typical configurations for the TLI4971 Shield2Go version - offering full flexibility:
- Shield2Go configuration: Connecting the sensor board to the adapter board with PCB edge connectors. The pinout corresponds to the Infineon XMC 2Go MCU platform. Please note that the XMC 2Go is not provided in the package. The programming can be done in the Arduino IDE by selecting the XMC 2Go platform.
- Standalone sensor board: The sensor board (top) can also be used as a standalone in any customer application (e.g. interfaced with customer MCU platforms, interfaced with lab equipment etc).
The TLI4971 S2GO does not offer programmability features, but all programming features can be explored by RAM settings. Learn more

The XMC™ 2Go with the XMC1100 Microcontroller is a new budget-priced evaluation board equipped with an ARM® Cortex®-M0 CPU running on 32MHz, 64KB Flash and 16KB RAM. The XMC™ 2Go has a complete set of on-board devices, including an on-board debugger to immediately start code development. Build your own application and gadget with the XMC™ 2Go – it fits perfectly fine on a breadboard. Or carry the XMC™ 2Go with you, it’s shaped like a key chain. Learn more
My IoT
My IoT Adapter

Infineon’s Shield2Go boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped with one Infineon IC and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT hardware platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system. Learn more
Shield2Go Adapter for Raspberry Pi
Infineon’s Shield2Go boards give you a unique evaluation experience. They are equipped with one Infineon IC and come with a ready-to-use software library. You can develop your own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards with the Shield2Go Adapter for Raspberry Pi.
The Shield2Go Adapter for Raspberry Pi saves you time and accelerates your IoT system development process by eliminating the effort involved in cabling and checking pinout diagrams. Connect up to three Shield2Go sensors or security ICs like the IM69D130 MEMS microphone or the Shield2Go Security OPTIGA™ Trust M to your adapter and your system is ready for evaluation. Learn more