Business Ethics

Our Corporate Governance concept applies to the entire company. The Management Board, the Supervisory Board and management ensure that corporate governance is actively implemented and continuously developed in our entity. Good Corporate Governance ensures the success of the company on the basis of trust and respect. We consider Corporate Governance to be an integrated, holistic approach that encompasses all corporate values, processes and goals. Corporate Governance includes standards for internal controlling as well as guidelines for corporate ethics in a competitive environment. Read more

To operate ethic business and remain as a sustainable and responsible partner for our stakeholders, we need to look at risks both inside and outside our organization.  Read more

Integrity shapes how Infineon deals with shareholders, business partners, employees and the general public.

In the last years, Infineon has structured its Compliance Management System according to the IDW1 PS 980 standard. 

The Compliance Management System includes an annual formalized risk assessment, dealing in particular with corruption and antitrust law. The measures that need to be taken identified in the assessment are summarized in the compliance program and implemented during the fiscal year. The risk assessment entails both analyses at the Group level and structured interviews at the site and central function levels. The assessment essentially confirmed the known risk areas. The compliance program therefore includes detailed training and communication measures, business partner checks, processes and tools, the revision of regulations and general advice on compliance issues.

The Corporate Compliance Officer, heading a worldwide team, is responsible for coordinating the Compliance Management System and reports directly to the member of the Infineon Technologies AG Management Board responsible for Finance. In addition to the development of the Infineon compliance program, the officer helps create guidelines, advises employees, receives complaints and information on relevant issues and heads investigations of compliance cases. Read more about compliance

Code of Conduct, Policies and Rules

The Infineon Business Conduct Guidelines form the central element of our Compliance Management System. To a substantial degree, our company's public image is determined by our behavior and by the way each of us presents and conducts him or herself. All employees share the responsibility for ensuring that our company meets its Corporate Social Responsibility worldwide. The Infineon Business Conduct Guidelines reflect our ethical principles and are the fundamental basis for our daily activities. 

As a code of conduct, the Guidelines are an essential basis for our daily actions and apply to all employees and corporate bodies worldwide when dealing with one another, with our customers, shareholders, business partners or with the public.

Our Business Conduct Guidelines are translated in 17 languages. Please find more infomation here.

All Infineon employees and all Infineon Business Partners are expected to comply with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which we operate, as well as our internal policies, standards and procedures. For more information consult:

Compliance guideline Anti-corruption

Handling of gifts and invitations policy

Antitrust law rule

We at Infineon Technologies adhere ourselves to the international and local laws and respect different cultural practices. We expect from our suppliers to do the same as well as to embrace, support and to be committed to the principles of the UN Global Compact Initiative. Aligned with our Business Conduct Guidelines, we develop in 2013 the new Supplier Code of Conduct, in order to inform our suppliers about the ethical and legal requirements related with the challenges in their day-to-day business regarding to human rights and environmental sustainability. 

Business partners are contractually obliged to comply with the legal regulations. Suppliers acknowledge our Supplier Code of Conduct when signing the contract. In addition, we conduct business partner checks to ensure that we only work together with law-abiding business partners with integrity.


Our commitments

The ten principles of the Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption are derived from the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” the “ International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,” the “ Rio Declaration on Environment and Development,” and the “United Nations Convention Against Corruption”.

Infineon joined the UN Global Compact in 2004, and therefore, aligned its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy to follow and comply with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. 

Please see Infineon's UN Communication on Progress

As reflected in our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact we respect and observe the internationally proclaimed human rights, including the rights to personal dignity, privacy and cultural practices. As set forth in our Business Conduct Guidelines as well as in our Supplier Code of Conduct, we shall not condone human rights abuses, neither in the form of direct nor beneficial nor silent complicity and we are against any form of forced labor. We strictly oppose any form of human trafficking and slavery.

Infineon Technologies AG achieved a customer satisfaction result above target for FY2022.

Infineon’s ‘Customer Satisfaction Program’ considers direct customer feedback regarding perceived quality, logistic, service, technology, commercial and cooperation and is aiming for continuous improvement.

Reporting of Compliance Concerns

All employees, business partners, customers or other stakeholders who would like to report possible violations of national regulations or internal guidelines can make their report to the Infineon Integrity Line, openly or anonymously. All reports are treated confidentially and include a non-retaliation policy.

The Infineon Integrity Line also considers local languages in addition to English. Read more 

Know more in our Sustainability Report page 14-16.