通常情况下,三相组串式逆变器配合串联式光伏板进行能量转换,其额定功率从几千瓦到 200 千瓦不等。组串式逆变器通常基于两级电路转换。一般而言,大部分逆变器采用无变压器或非隔离变压器设计。
首先,DC /DC变换单元将可变直流电压转换为固定直流电压,同时通过最大功率点追踪 (MPPT) 技术从光伏板中提取最大功率。
DC / AC变换单元则将直流电转换成与电网兼容的交流电。两电平拓扑或 三电平拓扑都可用于该该单元实现功率转换。特别值得注意的是,三电平拓扑因其效率更高而饱受青睐。对于 1000 V光伏阵列系统,主要采用 3三电平 NPC1 或 NPC2 拓扑。3电平NPC1 可使用 600 V功率器件,即使是在超大尺寸的光伏面板的系统中,功率器件也可以工作在超过 20 Khz 的开关频率下。三电平 NPC2 需同时使用 600 V和 1200 V功率器件,该拓扑非常适合于器件工作在小于 20 Khz 的开关频率下。在 1500 V光伏系统中,三电平 ANPC 因其基于宇宙射线考量的较高可靠性和在全功率因数运行范围内均有较高的效率,而得到了广泛应用。逆变器的大小和重量很大程度上取决于交流滤波器和冷却系统,功率器件工作在较高开关频率,有助于控制逆变器体积及降低系统成本。
英飞凌产品设计可支持高达 200 KW 的功率
在公商业应用中,逆变器功率范围在 20 KW 到 200 KW 之间。使用英飞凌的模块产品可实现出色的功率密度和高制造便利性。丰富的产品系列包含我们的 CoolSiC™ Easy 模块 和 三电平Easy 模块。所有功率开关都需要与之配合的栅极驱动器,而所有栅极驱动器都需要相应的控制。因此,我们也为您的逆变器设计提供相应的 EiceDRIVER™ 栅极驱动器 以及 XMC™ 微控制器。最后,每个功能模块都需要传感器和辅助电源,相应的,我们也有 CoolSET™ 和 TLI4971 电流传感器可供选择
选择适用于三相逆变器设计的正确解决方案,结合先进数字控制技术与高效功率转换架构,实现出色的太阳能功率采集和高可靠性。三相组串式逆变器的逆变单元有几种主要的拓扑结构。所有这些拓扑都可搭配升压单元,以拓宽输入电压范围,并有机会实现 MPPT 算法m.
在高达 20 兆瓦的市场中,轻型组串式逆变器越来越受欢迎。轻型组串式逆变器设计灵活,便于运输,只需点击几下,即可简单快速地由两个工作人员进行更换。
基于在太阳能和相关行业的丰富的应用知识,我们可缩短学习周期,以行之有效的短流程实现快速的客户方案定制。结合运用英飞凌的 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET 和 TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 以及 EiceDRIVER™ 电气隔离栅极驱动器,我们的客户不仅可以显著降低系统和运营成本,还可实现前所未有的效率和功率密度水平。
Podcast4Engineers: Solar
Photovoltaic systems – commonly known as solar power – are driving the shift from fossil fuels and bringing us closer to having abundant, green energy. Innovative and reliable power semiconductors and inverter technologies ensure that harnessing solar power is more convenient, efficient, and attractive.
了解太阳能、风能和储能系统的应用和对功率半导体的要求。理解英飞凌如何应对可再生能源和储能系统市场的发展趋势,例如,集成 CoolSiC™ MOSFET 的逆变器。简要浏览各种适用于太阳能、风能和储能系统的解决方案。
本报告将为您概述太阳能应用的拓扑结构、技术趋势和需求。了解更多关于我们所提供的针对不同逆变器种类的产品信息,包括微逆变器,集中式逆变器及组串式逆变器。查阅我们针对您的具体应用场景作出的建议,若有意向,您可以在 5 个月内获得定制模块。
Our modern world has a huge electric energy demand. The Earth gets more solar energy in one hour than the entire world uses in a year. Stay tuned to learn more about residential solar energy set-ups and Infineon solutions.
Infineon’s Easy family’s tremendous growth in the past few years led Easy modules to become even more flexible and scalable in key areas, such as voltage class and topologies.
As a result, Easy modules are widely used, not only in industrial applications but also in automotive applications.
To continue the successful momentum created by Easy 3B, “the big brother of the family”, Infineon has successfully developed the Easy 4B package, extending the package’s capabilities even further!
The EasyPACK™ 4B is now the largest package in the Easy family, with three DCB substrates.
In this training, we will see how Infineon’s two-level slew-rate control (or 2L-SRC) gate driver IC can help overcome gate resistance dimensioning trade-offs in order to obtain reduced switching losses.
We will also see an example of gate resistor dimensioning, with an under-five V/ns voltage slope target, as usually seen in drive applications.
Let’s learn more about how solar inverters work, from the ones we have in our houses, to the ones that are applied in major factories. We will also see how Infineon innovates in power semiconductors for solar inverter technology and how that can help with reducing costs and time to market.
In this module, we will have a look at different solar inverter trends and how the technology is evolving.
And afterwards, we will see what Infineon’s comprehensive solutions for the positioning of solar applications are.
In this EiceDRIVER™ X3 digital isolated gate driver training you will learn how to install the software that aids you in the evaluation of X3 digital and its evaluation board.
Join the webinar to learn about the positioning of SiC for in solar and energy storage applications. We will talk about the benefits of using Infineon’s Silicon Carbide MOSFET for solar and energy storage power conversion supported by real application examples.
In joining the webinar you will get a better understanding of the main technology trends in solar inverters.
The trend toward smart homes and connected systems demands a common communication interface between all home appliances and a PV inverter to enable a better balance between energy generation and consumption.
The main objective of this webinar is to explain the key technical features and system-level benefits of Infineon's semiconductor solution for string and hybrid inverter systems up to 30 kW output power.
Key Takeaways
1. Discover key technical features and system-level benefits of Infineon's semiconductor solution for string and hybrid inverter systems
2. Examine key drivers and technological requirements in the trend toward higher integration and fan-less operation
3. Explore the role of the PV inverter in the context of the smart home
Keywords: Silicon carbide, SiC, power density, bidirectional, power conversion, efficiency, energy, solar, storage, cost-effective, cost-effective power density, bidirectional power flow capability, high-efficiency power conversion