全てのサブカテゴリーを閉じる 全てのサブカテゴリーを開く高効率で高信頼性のカスタムメイドパワー半導体ソリューションをお選びください

- クリーンエネルギーに対する需要増加
- 送配電網インフラの拡張および相互接続
- 老朽化した送配電網インフラの段階的交換および改良
- 将来の需要に応えるための交流送配電網の効率向上
Green hydrogen is produced in a CO2-neutral manner by utilizing electrolysis processes powered by renewable energies such as wind and solar. Power semiconductors make the production of green hydrogen possible. Gain insights into AC- and DC-coupled electrolyzer applications and learn about Infineon's best-in-class semiconductor solutions.

Get to know what Flexible AC Transmission Systems (or FACTS) are, their characteristics, their advantages and which FACTS devices are. Get to know the different IGBT devices, namely, the Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM), the Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) and the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC).

Transmission and distribution (or T&D) is all about the different stages of carrying electricity over towers/poles and cables/wires from generators to load centers.
Infineon already supports with its technology in different segments of this process.