IKQ100N120CS7 1200 V, 100 A IGBT7 S7 with anti-parallel diode in TO247PLUS-3pin package
Hard-switching 1200 V, 100 A TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 S7 discrete in TO-247 package with EC7 diode inside. It offers low VCEsat to achieve very low conduction losses in target applications and the co-packed very soft and fast emitter controlled diode helps to minimize switching losses contibuiting to overall low total losses.
Summary of Features
- Very low Vcesat
- Good controllability
- Full rated free wheeling diode with improved softness
- Robustness against harsh condition and HV-H3TRB
- 8 µs short circuit time
- Very tight parameter distribution
- Maximum operating Tj of 175 °C
- Lowest losses on IGBT, high system efficiency for higher power output
- Higher power density without heatsink redesign
- Fast and easy replacement of predecessor T2 portfolio
- High device reliability in harsh opereating condition
- Ease to design to meet EMI requirement