BASELABS Create Embedded is a modular and safe data fusion library for the development of data fusion systems for automated driving functions on embedded platforms. The software significantly reduces the development costs of Level 2 ADAS and automated driving functions, shortens the time to market, and considers ISO 26262 efficiently.

It contains sensor fusion algorithms that combine data from radar, camera, and lidar sensors. The resulting object fusion provides a unified object list of the vehicle environment and serves as an input for path planning and decision algorithms.

Project details

Sensor Fusion is one of the key technologies enabling Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). It is implemented as a software solution that collects together data provided by a broad range of sensors to provide a single, consistent picture of the environment around the vehicle.

The goal of the project was to demonstrate data fusion of two types of sensor modalities (radar and camera) leveraging the compute architecture of an AURIXTM MCU. 

The increasing number of sensor systems in a vehicle drives the need for higher computational performance.  Such processing must be done with minimum latency and power while achieving the required accuracy and safety goals. 

Integrated BASELABS sensor fusion algorithm along with a full AUTOSAR stack in an AURIXTM MCU in order to process object-level data from radar and camera systems.

Demonstrated that fusion of 3x radars plus 1x camera systems can be achieved by utilizing a single CPU core of an AURIXTM TC3xx MCU.