Education Resources
University educators play a vital role in preparing the future workforce and conducting advanced technology research.
The Infineon University Alliance Program not only enables access to Infineon’s leading-edge technology and solutions, but also provides training, high-quality technical support and curriculum development assistance.
Teaching Materials
Below are links to a selection of PSoC™ text and lab books. If you have authored any materials you would like to share with other academics, please contact

Digital Design with PSoC™ 4
Maker Movement hobbyists, prospective engineers, and grad students alike will enjoy this laid-back yet productive approach to building with PSoC™, starting off simple and slowly progressing to more and more complex circuitry.

Hands-on Guide to the PSoC™
This textbook introduces readers to mixed-signal, embedded design and provides, in one place, much of the basic information to engage in serious mixed-signal design using Infineon's PSoC™.