Events @ Infineon Hub
We don't just run events. We offer a special event location.

You can join us at the Infineon Hub at TU Wien in different ways:
Visit our events
We love technology! You too?
We organize regularly events for students, graduates, young professionals and everyone who is interested in technology. Meet scientists of TU Wien or tech experts, expand your knowledge in technology and build a network to push your future career.
Get more information about each event by clicking on the colored boxes below.
Use the hub as Free Working Space
You can hardly find a place to study at the university? We have the solution! Every Wednesday from 10 am to 4 pm you can use the hub for studying or working on projects. We are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and offer a great atmosphere as well as free drinks and coffee.
In order to be able to guarantee a seat for everyone, we ask you for a short registration via email. Just tell us on which day you want to come.
Book the location for your event
Who can book the hub and how does it work?
Nearly everyone* can organize an event, but please remind yourself that our focus is on technology. Just send us an email with information about your event and we will get in touch with you.
*(e.g. students and PhD’s in general, student representatives, associations, start-ups, technical institutions, scientists, tech experts,…)
Always be up to date and and sign up for our monthly newsletter
Past Events

We organize a get-together at the beginning and end of each semester. After all, your learning success should be rewarded. Food, drinks, music and a hub quiz are not to be missed!

We organize a get-together at the beginning and end of each semester. After all, your learning success should be rewarded. Food, drinks, music and a hub quiz are not to be missed!

We also offer activities outside our premises. One example is the Wings for Life World Run. In May we were allowed to participate together with a team of students to do something for a good cause and have fun together.

Take your career to the next level and register for a new webinar series at Infineon. Get unique insights into pioneering technologies and learn more about the materials SiC and GaN, unit process development and Silicon Carbide power devices. Don't miss exciting discussions about the latest achievements in technology. Join us once a month at 4 pm CEST. You can choose to participate just in one webinar or in the whole series.

Science Communication has always been highly relevant. In the last months it has become increasingly clear how important qualitative news is. Science editor Florian Petautschnig from ORF has taken up this challenge. His goal is to build communicative bridges between society and science, to convey news in an understandable way.

The word processing software LaTeX has been established as a universal standard for many years, especially when it comes to mathematical content (formulary), and it offers significant advantages in this context compared to conventional word processing software.

The word processing software LaTeX has been established as a universal standard for many years, especially when it comes to mathematical content (formulary), and it offers significant advantages in this context compared to conventional word processing software.

The Negotiator Workshop focuses on the practical application of the fundamentals of Harvard negotiation principles. Participants try out effective techniques to optimize their negotiation results at any time. In addition to expanding already existing skills, you acquire effective tools for professional communication and goal-oriented preparation.

Webinar series: 30 minutes with tech experts
Bernd Steiner – Head of Production Villach
Gain insights into one of the most innovative productions worldwide: From an extended workbench to a global player on the semiconductor market. Our success is down to our people.

Webinar series: 30 minutes with tech experts
Walter Kirsch – Systemms Engineer for Multicopter Applications
How does a Multicopter work and which Infineon components can be found in there? What does a “Drone Racing Pilot” do at Infineon? Take part in our second webinar and get answered all the questions by Walter Kirsch, the specialist for multicopter applications.

Together with Prof. Auzinger from the institute of computer mathematics at TU Wien this course will be held for everyone who wants to learn the basics of LaTeX or to improve them. Furthermore, Markus Sievers (PhD student at Infineon) gives an overview on how to put your LaTex knowledge into practice in the technical field.

Webinar series: 30 minutes with tech experts
Quantum computing has gained significant traction over the last years! With trapped ions being considered a leading technology platform for quantum information processing. Since 2018, Infineon develops microstructured ion traps on-chip, where single trapped atoms are used to represent quantum bits – the basic unit in a quantum computer. Listen to Silke Auchter and experience the universe of quantum computing.
To find out more about the webinar series have a look at this page: 30 minutes with tech experts
Can you answer all questions?
The quiz focuses on general knowledge and is not dedicated to tech-related questions. Meet up online with friends in our virtual IHub to compete against other teams!
How to participate?
Form a team of four (diverse knowledge fields help)

The Webinar series "30 Minutes with tech experts" was an exclusive opportunity to listen to Infineon experts and their latest achievements in the field of technology.
You want to apply for a job but you have no idea how to do it professionally? Infineon‘s top-recruiter share their personal experience and give insider tips to get hired. Furthermore you get a personal application check for free!
Due to high demand on our first webinar “JAC”, we decided to offer a second job application coaching in autumn at Infineon Hub @ TU Wien. For further information or dates see “30 minutes with Infineon Austria”
Working at TU Wien Research Unit of Information and Softare Engineering, mathematician Nikolas "Niki" Popper became popular for his simulation of COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. He explained his work of modelling Austria’s population and gave an outlook on what the future will bring.
The SummerSchool 2020 with its topic machine learning took place under the motte "embedded brains @ Infineon"
One week packed with lectures held by world-class professors and top experts from Infineon, awesome interactive activities and the exclusive opportunity to take a peek behind the scenes of Infineon Austria. Infineon SummerSchool is a unique opportunity to network, find topics for BSc-, MSc- or PhD-theses, internships or even a job for after you graduate.
We joined this years online conference of European Forum Alpbach and connected international decision
makers with an interested audience by streaming two of the discussions:
› How to Save the World - Youth Activism in the Spotlight 25.08.2020 12:00
› Democracy in the Time of Corona - Technology to the Rescue? 29.08.2020 18:00
Thomas Pock is a Professor of Computer Science at Graz University of Technology, where he is leading the vision, learning and optimization (VLO) group. The focus of his research is image processing, computer vision, inverse problems, convex and non-smooth optimization and machine learning. Prof. Pock will present his latest approaches to learn better models for solving inverse vision problems. He will show how the models can be successively improved and their parameters learned from data.
Are you interested in a PhD programm in the microelectronics sector? Infineon has created the ultimate PhD Excellence Program for you! Our experts and an active PhD student will give you insights into the program and share their personal experiences with you. In addition, you will get the exclusive opportunity to apply for our high potential student pipeline. This way you are always up to date about current PhD positions in your field of expertise.
It was the second webinar of our webinar series “30 minutes with Infineon Austria”.
The Infineon Hub is a location Partner of Industry Meets Makers.
This Year the first Virtual Future Tech Bootcamp took place where Infineon and Thales Austria participated with the topic “IoT on Train” featuring the Infineon SENSE2GOL Radar Sensor
You want to apply for a job but you have no idea how to do it professionally? Infineon‘s top-recruiter share their personal experience and give insider tips to get hired. Furthermore you get a personal application check for free!
It was the first webinar of our webinar series “30 minutes with Infineon Austria”.
Mario Drobics, Thematic Coordinator for Internet-of-Things at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Digitization throughout the entire product lifecycle accelerates the development and production of complex industrial products while improving product quality and functionality. However, the increasing connectivity of (critical) cyber-physical objects, which goes hand in hand with digitization, also leads to new security requirements, which can only be solved insufficiently with existing methods. The IoT4CPS project developed guidelines, methods and tools for secure IoT-based applications in the areas of Connected & Autonomous Vehicles and Industry 4.0.
It addresses security and safety of IoT systems in an integrative approach across the whole lifecycle and across different integration levels. This is done by addressing three main areas of research:
- Safety & Security Design and Methods
- Security & Verification Analysis
- IoT Life-Cycle Data Management
Can you answer all questions?
The quiz focuses on general knowledge and is not dedicated to tech-related questions. Meet up online with friends in our virtual IHub to compete against other teams!
How to participate?
Form a team of four (diverse knowledge fields help)
A Pub Quiz at Infineon Hub? It's a Hub Quiz!
Can you answer all questions?
The quiz focuses on general knowledge and is not dedicated to tech-related questions.
Meet up with friends in our IHub to compete against other teams!
How to participate?
Form a team of four (diverse knowledge fields help)

On over 50 m² of free working space at the IHub at TU Wien, you and your colleagues are provided with an environment that enables for working on your projects independently and for fostering your future career. Whether you are a technical student, graduate, professional or technology enthusiast – everyone is welcome to join the community and to connect, create and challenge with us.

Two-day Workshop by Dr. phil. Markus Rheindorf focusing on elements of English scientific style, structure, positioning and argumentation in English scientific writing and how to avoid common mistakes.
“Chips: Where does the journey lead to?”
Clemens Wasner is Founder & CEO of Enlite AI and board member of AI Austria. The goal is to promote sustainable use of AI in Austria by connecting players from academia, economy and society.
How to apply professionally. Job application coaching for technical geniuses.
How to convince a company, when you apply for a job? Infineon‘s top-recruiter share their
personal experience and show you interesting techniques to present yourself and get hired.
› Free application photos

Live streams of Infineon SummerSchool 2019 with its topic Sensor Systems wich took place with the motto “Sense the world!” from August 26-30, 2019
Aim was a unparalleled insights into the world of Infineon sensors – covering automotive, magnetic and consumer sensors
› theory with top experts from Infineon and world-class professors
› Networking
› PhD Pitches
Celebrating the end of exams, listening to cool beatsand connecting with other students.
› Free entrance, drinks and snacks
› A creative and technology-based programme
› The possibility to connect with specialists from technology and science
› A little touch of summer feelings
Der Computer – die bahnbrechende Erfindung des 20. Jahrhunderts, welche das Leben aller Menschen nachhaltig beeinflusst hat. Doch wie wurde diese Entwicklung wahrgenommen? Dr. phil. Oliver Sukrow (Forschungsbereich Kunstgeschichte, TU Wien) referierte über den Computer im Spannungsfeld zwischen „Freiheitsmaschine“ und „Kontrollapparat“. Der Vortrag spürte auch der architektonischen und künstlerischen Inszenierung des Computers in den Bild- und Vorstellungswelten nach.
What can I protect? How to apply for a patent. What are trademarks and registered designs?
› Dipl.-Ing. Georg Puchberger (patent attorney) and Dr. Maximilian Bonta (patent attorney trainee), both Puchberger & Partner Patentanwälte, gave a basic introduction to intellectual property rights.
What is the job of chemists and physicists at a semiconductor manufacturer? › Infineon Employees Dr. Matthias Wegscheider & Dr. Katharina Schragl was talking about the interesting job of chemists and physicists
› in collaboration with Jungchemiker Wien
Vom alumni club der TU Wien
› Informationen zur Innovationsfabrik und aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
› Einblicke in den Reinraum – Industrie 4.0 hautnah erleben
› Expertentalk zu Unternehmensbereichen
› Kontakte zu TOP-Expertinnen und Experten von Infineon knüpfen
› Einen potenziellen Arbeitgeber der Industrie kennenlernen und einen Job finden

Workshop with Prof. Schlund and Christina Schmidbauer, TU Wien, Institute of Management Science, about instructing a collaborative robot with a theortical part about basics of robot programming, challenges in robotics, technical limitations an a practical part including a competition
Live streams of Infineon WinterSchool 2019 with its topic Chip Fab of the Future wich took place with the motto “Be part of it!” from February 25 to March 1, 2019
With lectures about:
- Design and Functions of a Semiconductor Wafer Fab
- Development of Products along the whole Value Chain
- Design for Manufacturing – Ensure Automotive Design Package Quality
- The Role of a Unit Process Engineer in Front End Production
- Advanced Process Control
- The Evolution of Machine Learning Systems
by Prof Thurner Technical University of Vienna
Complexity Science: From Data to Knowledge
- How does society work?
- How to make financial systems safer?
- How to rethink medicine?
- Project with Infineon
Warum Chips auch MINT-StudentInnen schmecken
› Triff Rafael Janski (TUtheTOP-Absolvent, PhD der techn. Chemie und nun Senior
Development Engineer), unsere Recruiterinnen und unseren Betriebsrat zu einem
persönlichen Erfahrungsaustausch bei Café und Croissants.

On 16.10.2018 the Infineon Hub at TU Wien in Paniglgasse has opened with the motto connect.create.challenge.
It is a room where Infineon PhDs,Master degree students and Partners of TU Wien can find a space for (net-)working.
Also there are a lot of events for students and makers to get in touch with Infineon.