Secured NFC tags
Secured NFC Forum certified tags based on open security standards
Our Secured NFC tags offer superior security performance based on robust cryptography for seamless authentication of products and accessories. Our family of NFC authentication tags is based on the CIPURSE™ open-standard security architecture to bring customers greater security, transparency, and flexibility. It supports contactless interface ISO/IEC 14443 Type A and NFC Forum Type 4 Tag certified with built-in command set and a fully configurable file system based on ISO/IEC 7816-4/9.
With 304 bytes, 1 KB, 2 KB, and 4 KB of user memory, our secured NFC Type 4 tags allow users to store data in standardized NFC data exchange format (NDEF) and to build custom applications for contactless NFC anti-counterfeiting, identification, authentication, and customer engagement use cases. Typical examples include functions redirecting users to a product website where they can re-order consumables or accessories.
What’s more, Infineon’s secured NFC tags offer secure brand protection for original equipment manufacturers (OEM). By providing effective security against counterfeit products, our tags prevent both mechanical and electrical intervention from non-compatible, sub-standard accessories and parts as well as ensure that safety and functionality are prioritized throughout the entire lifespan of the product.
Secured NFC tags can be embedded in a wide range of applications for consumer products, such as power tools, , electric toothbrushes, gaming accessories, and medical devices, to name a few. The implementation of NFCs in such applications can help solve challenges as well as create engaging experiences for the consumer.
Key features
- Contactless Secured NFC tag authentication for anti-counterfeiting and consumer engagement applications
- Superior anti-counterfeiting based on CIPURSE™ security architecture
- Compliance with ISO/IEC 14443 standard for Type A contactless interfaces and with NFC Type 4 tag specifications
- 304 Byte, 1 KB, 2 KB, and 4 KB user memory options for NDEF data storage
- Built-in command set based on ISO 7816-4/-9
- Fully configurable file system based on ISO/IEC 7816-4
- NFC Forum Type 4 certification
- CIPURSE™ certification
Secured contactless NFC implementations offer unique benefits:

- Build consumer trust through genuine goods and ensure traceability of authentic products and accessories
New experiences
- Enable promotions or provide additional in-store information about products
- Create interactive experiences (loyalty, gaming, etc.) to bridge the gap with customers
- Transfer real-world objects to the virtual world with a single tap and create on-the-go experiences

- Build consumer trust through genuine accessories and consumables
- Enable accessories to be identified so they can be automatically configured and settings can be personalized
- Enable users to re-order consumables and accessories via a single phone tap
- Enable consumers to track warranties and maintenance schedules with a single tap