High voltage CoolMOS™ superjunction MOSFET dedicated for EV-charging applications
IPW60R037CSFD CoolMOS™ superjunction MOSFET is an optimized device tailored to address the off-board EV-charging market segment. Thanks to low gate charge (Qg) and improved switching behavior it offers highest efficiency in the targeted market. In addition to that it comes along with an integrated fast body diode and tremendously reduced reverse recovery charge (Qrr) leading to highest reliability in resonant topologies. Due to these features the IPW60R037CSFD meets the efficiency and reliability standards of the off-board EV-charging station market and furthermore supports high power density solutions.
Summary of Features
- Ultra-fast body diode
- Best-in-class reverse recovery charge (Qrr)
- Improved reverse diode dv/dt and dif/dt ruggedness
- Lowest FOM RDS(on) x Qg and Eoss
- Best-in-class RDS(on)/package combinations
- Best fit efficiency for EV-charging applications
- Enabling higher power densities
- Highest reliability levels
- The right RDS(on) package combination can be selected
Potential Applications
EV-charging - optimized for phase-shift full-bridge (ZVS), LLC and PFC applications. Suiteable for soft and hard switching topologies.