14 A, 5.7 kV (rms)单通道隔离型栅极驱动器,支持独立输出,通过UL 1577认证,具备10.5 V UVLO功能
EiceDRIVER™Compact单通道隔离型栅极驱动器,具备14A典型灌电流和拉电流峰值输出,采用DSO-8宽体封装,爬电距离大(>8 mm),适用于IGBTs、MOSFETs和SiC MOSFETs。
1ED3124MU12H属于EiceDRIVER™Compact 1ED31xx系列(X3 Compact系列)。1ED3124具备独立的灌电流和拉电流输出,定时准确稳定,能在输出未接电源的情况下主动关断,确保IGBT处于安全的关断状态,同时,支持短路箝位,限制短路时的栅极电压。该驱动器可在宽电源电压范围内工作,为单电源供电或双电源供电。
- EiceDRIVER™Compact单通道隔离型栅极驱动器1ED31xx系列(X3 Compact系列)
- 电隔离无铁芯变压器栅极驱动器
- 14 A典型灌电流和拉电流峰值输出
- 40 V绝对最大输出电源电压
- 90 ns传输延迟,30 ns输入滤波器
- 高共模瞬态抗扰度CMTI >200 kV/μs
- 独立的灌电流和拉电流输出
- 短路箝位和主动关断
- DSO-8 300 mil宽体封装,爬电距离大(>8 mm)
- 10.5 V/12.5 V欠压锁定(UVLO)保护带回差
- 集成滤波器,减少对外接滤波器的需求
- 严格的IC-to-IC导通传输延迟匹配(最大7 ns),容差可提高应用的耐用性,不受老化、电流和温度的影响
- 适于在高温环境下使用及快速开关应用场合
- UL 1577 VISO = 6.8 kV(rms)持续1秒,5.7 kV(rms)持续1分钟
- 严格的传输延迟支持最小死区时间,从而提高系统效率和减少谐波失真
- 精确的阈值和时间,结合UL 1577认证,能实现出色的应用安全性
Find our Variations for EiceDRIVER™ compact 1ED31xx family (X3 compact family)
Part No | Typ. current | Feature | UVLO | Isolation Certification |
1ED3120MU12H | 5.5 A | Separate output | 8/10 V | UL 1577 |
1ED3121MU12H | 5.5 A | Separate output | 10.5/12.5 V | UL 1577 |
1ED3122MU12H | 10 A | Active Miller clamp | 8/10 V | UL 1577 |
1ED3123MU12H | 14 A | Separate output | 8/10 V | UL 1577 |
1ED3124MU12H | 14 A | Separate output | 10.5/12.5 V | UL 1577 |
1ED3131MU12H | 5.5 A | Separate output, 180 ns input filter | 10.5/12.5 V | UL 1577 |
EiceDRIVER™ Compact Family (including X3C 1ED31xx)
Curious to learn more about how to make your gate driver designs simpler? Join us in this training where we will show you what to consider when selecting the gate driver for your application, go through the drive circuit step by step design, provide an outline of design considerations, while also taking the schematic and layout aspects into consideration!

- EiceDRIVER™ 1ED Compact now including X3 Compact family (1ED31xx), with up to 14 A output current, 200 kV/µs CMTI
- Show system benefit of Miller clamp, separate output, active shutdown, short circuit clamping, 7-ns prop. delay matching
- Perfect for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7. VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577. For solar, EV charging, industrial drive, UPS, SMPS

- The new EiceDRIVER™ X3 Compact family (1ED31xx), with up to 14 A output current, 2300 V functional isolation, 200 kV/µs CMTI
- Show system benefit of Miller clamp, separate output, active shutdown, short circuit clamping, 7-ns prop. delay matching
- Perfect for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7. VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577. For solar, EV charging, industrial drive, UPS, SMPS

You will have a glimpse of the different gate driver technologies available at Infineon and their benefits.
For a better understanding we will take a look at the optimization of external gate resistors to drive MOSFETs in a given application.
With this training, you will learn how to calculate a gate resistance value for an IGBT application, how to identify suitable gate driver ICs based on peak current and power dissipation requirements, and how to fine-tune the gate resistance value in laboratory environment based on worst case conditions.
Silicon Carbide MOSFETs bring a lot of opportunities to power electronics. However, how to achieve sufficient system benefits by using Silicon Carbide MOSFETs with suitable gate drivers? This training helps you to learn how to calculate a reference gate resistance value for your Silicon Carbide MOSFET; how to identify suitable gate driving ICs based on peak current and power dissipation requirements; and how to fine-tune the gate resistance value in laboratory environment based on worst case conditions.

- EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate driver family use the state-of-the-art coreless transformer (CT) isolation technology
- The CT based isolated gate driver offers higher current, lower power consumption, better CMTI and best in class propagation delay matching
- Perfect for CoolSiC™ SiC MOSFET and IGBT7. VDE 0884-11 & UL 1577. For solar, EV charging, industrial drive, UPS, etc.