600 V 逆导型驱动器 2
带单片集成二极管的 RC-D2 ,相比 RC-DF, 在性能、可控性和可靠性方面实现了改进。
600 V RC-D2 是 RC-DF IGBT 的后继者。二极管为单片集成,使得该技术更适合于家用电器的变频器。二极管的额定电流进行了优化,使得该产品的性价比更具竞争力。RC-D2 也是首个引入SOT-223 封装的IGBT 系列,可进一步优化价格,因为在占板面积相同的情况下,该封装尺寸更小,引脚与引脚兼容,且能与 DPAK 封装替换。
相比 RC-DF 实现的主要改进:
- 以有竞争力的价格,提供足够的性能
- 足够好的 di/dt 可控性,帮助降低电磁噪声
- 更好的防潮性能(通过HV-H3TRB试验)
- 采用SOT-223 封装,电流等级范围为4 A - 15 A 和 1 A - 6 A
By the end of this training you will know the most relevant Infineon products that you can choose to build up a refrigerator system.
To meet the needs of major home appliances, Infineon offers the Reverse Conducting Drive 2 solution also known as RC-D2. Do you want to know how? Watch the video!

In this training, we will show you step by step where and how to access Infineon SPICE and PLECS simulation models for its discrete IGBTs and CoolSiC™ products.
We will also show how to use these models and tools in an offline and online simulation.

In this training, we will show you step by step where and how to access Infineon PLECS simulation models for its discrete IGBTs and CoolSiC™ products as well as online simulation tools.
We will also show you the differences between hard and soft switching models.