
微型逆变器在单个光伏 (PV) 电池板上转换电源,单个光伏电池板的额定功率通常为 400W,多个光伏电池板的额定功率则高达 1.5KW。微型逆变器通常基于两级式电源转换。首先,直流转直流阶段或升压电路将可变直流电压转换为固定直流电压(通常为 40 V 到 60 V)。同时,通过最大功率点跟踪技术(MPPT)能较大限度地从光伏板获取能量(通常 FSW = 100 KHz)。
首先在直流转直流阶段或升压电路将可变直流电压转换为固定直流电压(通常为 40 V 到 60 V)。同时,通过最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)技术保证从光伏板中提取最大电流。其次,在直流转交流阶段,逆变级将直流电源转换成与电网兼容的 1Φ 的交流电源。与组串式逆变器相反,微型逆变器可以连接一个、两个或四个光伏板,并分别对每个PV模块进行MPPT跟踪。
Podcast4Engineers: Solar

Photovoltaic systems – commonly known as solar power – are driving the shift from fossil fuels and bringing us closer to having abundant, green energy. Innovative and reliable power semiconductors and inverter technologies ensure that harnessing solar power is more convenient, efficient, and attractive.

了解太阳能、风能和储能系统的应用和对功率半导体的要求。理解英飞凌如何应对可再生能源和储能系统市场的发展趋势,例如,集成 CoolSiC™ MOSFET 的逆变器。简要浏览各种适用于太阳能、风能和储能系统的解决方案。


Let’s learn more about how solar inverters work, from the ones we have in our houses, to the ones that are applied in major factories. We will also see how Infineon innovates in power semiconductors for solar inverter technology and how that can help with reducing costs and time to market.

In this module, we will have a look at different solar inverter trends and how the technology is evolving.
And afterwards, we will see what Infineon’s comprehensive solutions for the positioning of solar applications are.
Solar and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) are crucial in the energy supply chain. This webinar gives an overview of solar and ESS trends and discusses the importance of residential solar and ESS for renewable decentral energy generation. It will also discuss the different architectures of home energy systems and how Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) can improve performance in various power conversion stages to meet future application trends.

Join the webinar to learn about the positioning of SiC for in solar and energy storage applications. We will talk about the benefits of using Infineon’s Silicon Carbide MOSFET for solar and energy storage power conversion supported by real application examples.
In joining the webinar you will get a better understanding of the main technology trends in solar inverters.