英飞凌加速推出CoolSiC™ MOSFET 1200V单管新产品

2019-5-7 | 市场新闻

2019年5月7日,德国慕尼黑讯 –– 英飞凌科技股份公司(FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY)加速推出CoolSiC™ MOSFET 1200V单管新产品。新产品导通电阻从30 mΩ到350 mΩ不等,拥有TO247-3pin和TO247-4pin两种封装。另外,表面贴封装(SMD)和CoolSiC™ MOSFET 650V单管新产品也将很快面世。通过这些产品,英飞凌可满足功率转换应用——譬如电动汽车充电设施、储能系统、 光伏逆变器不间断电源(UPS)、 电机驱动以及服务器和 电信设备开关电源(SMPS)——对于高能效SiC解决方案不断快速增长的需求。

英飞凌工业功率控制事业部总裁Peter Wawer表示:“在英飞凌,新推出的基础技术必须满足严格的质量标准。即便是标准的TO-247单管封装,前道和后道批量生产流程也必须经过验证。其中包括:收集统计数据,生产监控,以及在标准化生产之外开展与应用相关的测试。在圆满完成SiC MOSFET基础技术的试生产后,我们现在要将最全面的CoolSiC™ MOSFET产品组合推向市场。”
和之前推出的采用TO247单管封装和Easy模块封装的CoolSiC™ MOSFET产品一样,新的单管产品采用业内最先进的沟槽工艺打造。采用该工艺既可使应用中的损耗降到最低,还可使保证运行中的高可靠性。极低的动态损耗借助简单的单极驱动方案即可达到最高效率。
英飞凌CoolSiC™ MOSFET沟槽技术将高达4V的阈值电压(Vth)与低米勒电容融为一体。正因为如此,与市场上其它的SiC MOSFET相比,CoolSiC™ MOSFET可避免寄生导通。再结合+18 V(与最高额定电压+23V相比,还保证了5V安全余量)的推荐导通电压,英飞凌CoolSiC™ MOSFET比硅IGBT、超结MOSFET及其它SiC MOSFET都更胜一筹。
反并联体二极管牢固可靠,可应用于硬开关,CoolSiC™ MOSFET系列产品可助力工程师实现最高能效及简化电路设计。CoolSiC™ MOSFET为功率因数校正(PFC)电路、双向拓扑以及任何硬/软开关的DC-DC或DC-AC电路的设计提供了全新的灵活性。
英飞凌的EiceDRIVER™栅极驱动IC充分满足CoolSiC™ MOSFET超快开关特性需求,两者结合共同发挥出了SiC的优势:提高效率,节省空间和减轻重量,减少零部件数量,提升系统可靠性,为降低系统成本和运营成本提供了可能,为建设节能高效的世界打造新解决方案。
采用TO247-3pin和TO247-4pin封装导通电阻为30 mΩ到350 mΩ单管新产品,现已量产。采用D2PAK-7封装单管产品,将于2019年第四季度提供工程样品。更多信息请访问www.infineon.com/coolsic-mosfet。

Press Photos

  • The production ramp of the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET base technology has been safely completed, Infineon is now bringing the most comprehensive discrete SiC portfolio for industrial applications to the market. The 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET devices are rated from 30 mΩ to 350 mΩ and implemented into TO247-3 and TO247-4 housings. Additionally an 1200 V SMD device in a TO-263-7 package will be added to the portfolio as well as a 650 V device
    The production ramp of the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET base technology has been safely completed, Infineon is now bringing the most comprehensive discrete SiC portfolio for industrial applications to the market. The 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET devices are rated from 30 mΩ to 350 mΩ and implemented into TO247-3 and TO247-4 housings. Additionally an 1200 V SMD device in a TO-263-7 package will be added to the portfolio as well as a 650 V device

    JPG | 461 kb | 1673 x 2126 px

  • The production ramp of the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET base technology has been safely completed, Infineon is now bringing the most comprehensive discrete SiC portfolio for industrial applications to the market. The 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET devices are rated from 30 mΩ to 350 mΩ and implemented into TO247-3 and TO247-4 housings. Additionally an 1200 V SMD device in a TO-263-7 package will be added to the portfolio as well as a 650 V device
    The production ramp of the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET base technology has been safely completed, Infineon is now bringing the most comprehensive discrete SiC portfolio for industrial applications to the market. The 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET devices are rated from 30 mΩ to 350 mΩ and implemented into TO247-3 and TO247-4 housings. Additionally an 1200 V SMD device in a TO-263-7 package will be added to the portfolio as well as a 650 V device

    JPG | 457 kb | 1660 x 2126 px

  • The production ramp of the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET base technology has been safely completed, Infineon is now bringing the most comprehensive discrete SiC portfolio for industrial applications to the market. The 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET devices are rated from 30 mΩ to 350 mΩ and implemented into TO247-3 and TO247-4 housings. Additionally an 1200 V SMD device in a TO-263-7 package will be added to the portfolio as well as a 650 V device
    The production ramp of the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET base technology has been safely completed, Infineon is now bringing the most comprehensive discrete SiC portfolio for industrial applications to the market. The 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET devices are rated from 30 mΩ to 350 mΩ and implemented into TO247-3 and TO247-4 housings. Additionally an 1200 V SMD device in a TO-263-7 package will be added to the portfolio as well as a 650 V device

    JPG | 334 kb | 1674 x 2126 px

  • The production ramp of the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET base technology has been safely completed, Infineon is now bringing the most comprehensive discrete SiC portfolio for industrial applications to the market. The 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET devices are rated from 30 mΩ to 350 mΩ and implemented into TO247-3 and TO247-4 housings. Additionally an 1200 V SMD device in a TO-263-7 package will be added to the portfolio as well as a 650 V device
    The production ramp of the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET base technology has been safely completed, Infineon is now bringing the most comprehensive discrete SiC portfolio for industrial applications to the market. The 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET devices are rated from 30 mΩ to 350 mΩ and implemented into TO247-3 and TO247-4 housings. Additionally an 1200 V SMD device in a TO-263-7 package will be added to the portfolio as well as a 650 V device

    JPG | 329 kb | 1659 x 2126 px

  • The production ramp of the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET base technology has been safely completed, Infineon is now bringing the most comprehensive discrete SiC portfolio for industrial applications to the market. The 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET devices are rated from 30 mΩ to 350 mΩ and implemented into TO247-3 and TO247-4 housings. Additionally an 1200 V SMD device in a TO-263-7 package will be added to the portfolio as well as a 650 V device
    The production ramp of the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET base technology has been safely completed, Infineon is now bringing the most comprehensive discrete SiC portfolio for industrial applications to the market. The 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET devices are rated from 30 mΩ to 350 mΩ and implemented into TO247-3 and TO247-4 housings. Additionally an 1200 V SMD device in a TO-263-7 package will be added to the portfolio as well as a 650 V device

    JPG | 768 kb | 2126 x 2339 px