OptiMOS™ 5 power MOSFET 60 V logic level in PQFN 3.3x3.3 Source-Down DSC package
IQE022N06LM5SC is Infineon’s new best-in-class OptiMOS™ 5 power MOSFET 60 V logic level in PQFN 3.3x3.3 Source-Down dual-side cooling (DSC) package, offering the industry’s lowest on-state resistance RDS(on) at 25˚C and superior thermal performance. The OptiMOS™ Source-Down is a revolutionary design with a flipped silicon die inside, which offers several advantages, such as increased thermal capability, advanced power density and improved layout possibilities. Combined with the innovative dual-side cooling package, which can dissipate up to three times more power than the traditional overmolded package, IQE022N06LM5SC is targeted for high power density and performance SMPS products commonly found in telecom and data servers.
- Logic level allows lower Qrr and QOSS, and easier gate driver selection
- Reduced RDS(on) by up to 30% compared to current technology
- Improved RthJC over current PQFN package technology
- New, optimized layout possibilities
- Enabling highest power density and performance
- Superior thermal performance
- Optimized layout possibilities for efficient use of real-estate
- Reduced PCB losses