The integrated reset as well as several protection circuits, combined with a wide operating temperature range offered by the TLE4699 make it suitable for supplying microprocessor systems in automotive environments. The early warning function supervises the voltage at pin SI. Modifying the reset threshold is possible by an optional resistor divider. The TLE4699 is available in a PG-DSO-14 package which makes it pin-compatible to the TLE4299 as well as in a small thermally enhanced PG-SSOP-14 EP exposed pad package.
- Output Voltage 5 V ± 2%
- Current Capability 200 mA
- Ultra Low Current Consumption
- Very Low Drop Out Voltage
- Enable Function: Below 1µA Current Consumption in off mode
- Reset Circuit Sensing the Output Voltage with Programmable Switching Threshold and Delay Time
- Reset Output Active Low Down to V Q = 1 V
- Integrated Early Warning Comparator
- Excellent Line Transient Robustness
- Maximum Input Voltage -42 V ≤ V I ≤ +45 V
- Reverse Polarity Protection
- Short Circuit Protected
- Over temperature Shutdown
- Automotive Temperature Range -40 °C ≤ T j ≤ 150 °C
- Available in a small thermally enhanced PG-SSOP-14 EP package
- Green Product (RoHS Compliant)
- AEC Qualified
- Robust Protection Features
- Wide Input Operation and Temperature Range
- Automotive General