アンチパラレル・ダイオード内蔵1350V,30A IGBT
The Reverse Conducting R5 1350 V, 30 A RC-H5 IGBTs with monolithically integrated reverse conducting diode in a TO247 package has been optimized for the demanding requirements of Induction Cooking applications. With a monolithically integrated diode, the 1350V RC-H5 IGBTs are perfectly suited for soft switching applications such as induction cooking stoves and inverterized microwave ovens, but are also suitable for designs which require some hard switching capabilities as well. The RC-H5 IGBT complement the previous generation of reverse conduction IGBTs and extend the performance leadership of the RC-H family, focusing on system efficiency and reliability.
- スイッチング損失を20%低減
- きわめて低い導通損失
- ターンオン電流スパイクを最⼤で10%低減
- Tj(max) = 175°C
- ソフトな電流ターンオフ波形による低い EMI
- 高い阻止電圧 VBR(min.) = 1350
- 高いスイッチング周波数
- 低消費電力
- 優れた熱設計で信頼性を向上
- EMIフィルタリング使用の必要性を低減
- システムコストの低減
- ピーク電流に対する高い信頼性