IHW25N140R5L 1400 V, 25 A IGBT Discrete with reverse conducting diode in TO-247 3pin package
RC Soft Switching 1400 V, 25 A IGBT discrete in a TO-247 3pin package has been designed to fulfill specific requirement of induction cooking applications. With a monolithically integrated diode, the 1400 V Reverse Conducting R5L IGBTs offer a higher breakdown voltage, lower VCEsat and overall lower power losses, bringing the perfect trade-off between power losses and EMI behavior for all soft switching applications.
- Blocking voltage of 1400 V
- Reduced conduction losses
- Lower Vf
- Reduced switching losses
- Very tight parameter distribution
- Tj(max)= 175°C
- Lower power losses in application
- Lower device stress in cookware
- High energy efficiency
- Higher system power capability
- Better robustness and reliability
- Preferred design flexibility
- Narrow power losses distribution
- Advanced thermal performance
1400 V reverse-conducting R5L - next Level of induction heating
Get to know more about the reverse-conducting R5L IGBT, the next generation of Infineon’s RC technology, developed to meet the specific requirements of induction heating applications.