SAK-TC234LF-32F200F AB
Debug, Trave, Measure and Calibrate
SAK-TC234LF-32F200F AB belongs to the TC2x Emulation Devices family . It has the same feature set as the TC23x standard family with additional debug and tracing capabilities. SAK-TC234LF-32F200F AB offers support for calibration, rapid prototyping, instrumentation and debug/emulation
TC234LE has the same features as the
TC23x standard devices:
- TriCore running at 200 MHz
- 2 MB flash/ ECC protection
- 192KB SRAM/ ECC protection (additional 4 MB EMEM)
- Sensor interfaces : 4xSENT
- State of the art connectivity : 1x FlexRay, 2x ASCLIN, 4x QSPI , 6x CAN including data rate enhanced CAN FD
- TQFP-144 package
- Programmable HSM (Hardware Security Module)
- Single voltage supply 3.3 V
- Temperature : 40°C to 125°C
Emulation key Features
- 512 KB Extension Memory (EMEM) for calibration and tracing
- Multi-Core Debug Solution (MCDS)
- Parallel and time aligned trace of cores and busses
- Powerful trigger conditions
- On-chip logic analyzer functions
- Additional DAP interface (DAPE) for connecting a second independent tool
- Injector for faults and stress (IFS)
- CPUs have full access to all emulation resources, enabling all kind of interfaces as tool connection
- Higher software/system quality and faster time to market with best in class:
- Multi-core debugging and trace
- Trace based measurement
- Rapid prototyping
- Calibration
- Scalable tooling options from very cost effective to highest performance
- Consistent architecture over the whole family for all packages
- Different tool combinations due to two DAP interfaces
- Very cost effective trace