12-Bit A/D Converter (PDL_ADC)
General Description

The ADC Component provides a convenient firmware interface to the ADC and enables individual channel configuration, FIFO setup, and the definition of sophisticated sampling rules.
The ADC supports two types of conversion – scan and prio – which offer different features and priorities. Each channel is configured to use one of these conversion types. Scan conversions can be triggered in continuous mode, which enables repeated sampling of multiple channels (in sequence) with the results being stored in a FIFO. Prio conversions are asynchronous conversions that can interrupt any ongoing scan conversion and lower priority prio conversions. All conversions can be triggered by firmware or a timer signal (either from the Base Timer or the Multi-Function Timer). Prio conversions can also be triggered from an external pin (highest priority conversion).
The ADC also provides a comparator function that generates IRQs on the following comparison conditions.
- Simple (less than/greater than) comparisons on one or all channels
- Range (within / without) comparisons on one or all channels
- Range comparisons with a count value to require consecutive readings before asserting the IRQ
- 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
- Up to 24 channels (device-specific)
- One-shot and continuous conversion modes
- Sampling time configurable per channel
- Configurable FIFOs store data for multiple conversions
- Simple and range comparison
- ADC IRQ can trigger DMA transfers