PSOC™ Creator Software
PSOC™ Creator Software サブカテゴリー
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PSoC™ 3/5 Components
- 概要
- 8-Bit Current Digital to Analog Converter (IDAC8)
- 8-Bit Voltage Digital to Analog Converter (VDAC8)
- 8-Bit Waveform Generator (WaveDAC8)
- ADC Successive Approximation Register (ADC_SAR)
- Analog Mux Constraint
- Analog Net Constraint (Cy_Net_Constraint)
- Analog Resource Constraint (Cy_Analog_Constraint)
- Analog Resource Reserve (Cy_Analog_Reserve)
- Boost Converter (BoostConv)
- Comparator (Comp)
- Controller Area Network (CAN)
- Delta Sigma Analog to Digital Converter (ADC_DelSig)
- Die Temperature (DieTemp)
- Digital Filter Block (DFB) Assembler
- Direct Memory Access (DMA)
- Dithered Voltage Digital to Analog Converter (DVDAC)
- External Memory Interface (EMIF)
- EZI2C Slave
- File System Library (emFile)
- Filter
- Full Speed USB (USBFS)
- Graphic LCD Controller (GraphicLCDCtrl)
- Graphic LCD Interface (GraphicLCDIntf)
- I2C Master/Multi-Master/Slave
- Inverting Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA_Inv)
- LED Segment and Matrix Driver
- MDIO Interface
- Mixer
- Operational Amplifier (Opamp)
- Power Monitor
- Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA)
- PSoC 3/PSoC 5LP Capacitive Sensing (CAPSENSE™ CSD)
- Real-Time Clock (RTC)
- Resistive Touch
- S/PDIF Transmitter (SPDIF_Tx)
- Sample/Track and Hold Component (Sample_Hold)
- SC/CT Comparator (SCCT_Comp)
- Segment LCD (LCD_Seg)
- Sleep Timer
- SMBus and PMBus Slave
- Static Segment LCD (StaticSegLCD)
- Stay Awake
- Trans-Impedance Amplifier (TIA)
- Trim and Margin
- Vector CAN
- Voltage Fault Detector (VFD)
- Voltage Reference (Vref)
- Voltage Sequencer
PSoC™ 4 Components
- 概要
- PSoC 4 1.2 Volt Comparator (CSD Comp)
- PSoC 4 Capacitive Sensing (CAPSENSE™ CSD)
- PSoC 4 Capacitive Sensing (CAPSENSE™ Gesture)
- PSoC 4 Capacitive Sensing (CAPSENSE™)
- PSoC 4 Capacitive Sensing (CAPSENSE™) ADC
- PSoC 4 Current Digital to Analog Converter
- PSoC 4 Die Temperature
- PSoC 4 Direct Memory Access (DMA) Channel
- PSoC 4 Inductive Sensing (MagSense)
- PSoC 4 Low Power Comparator
- PSoC 4 Low-Frequency Clock (cy_lfclk), Version 1.10
- PSoC 4 Multiple Phenomena Sensing (Senzei®)
- PSoC 4 Operational Amplifier (Opamp)
- PSoC 4 Power Monitor
- PSoC 4 Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA_P4)
- PSoC 4 Programmable Voltage Reference (PVref_P4)
- PSoC 4 Real-Time Clock (RTC_P4)
- PSoC 4 Segment LCD (SegLCD)
- PSoC 4 Sequencing Successive Approximation ADC (ADC_SAR_Seq)
- PSoC 4 Serial Communication Block (SCB)
- PSoC 4 Timer Counter Pulse Width Modulator (TCPWM)
- PSoC 4 Voltage ADC using CSD Hardware (CSD ADC), Version 1.0
- PSoC 4 Voltage Comparator
- Analog Hardware Multiplexer (AMuxHw)
- Analog Multiplexer (AMux)
- Analog Multiplexer Sequencer (AMuxSeq)
- Analog No Connect (Cy_Analog_NoConnect)
- Base Timer Channel (BT)
- Basic Counter
- Bootloader and Bootloadable
- Character LCD (CharLCD)
- Character LCD with an I2C Interface (I2C LCD)
- Clock
- Clock Function (PDL_CLK)
- Clock Supervisor Functions (PDL_CSV)
- Control Register
- Counter
- CR Trimming Functions (PDL_CR)
- Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
- Cyclic Redundancy Check (PDL_CRC)
- D Flip Flop
- D Flip Flop w/Enable
- Debouncer
- Descriptor System Data Transfer (PDL_DSTC)
- Digital Comparator
- Digital Constant
- Digital Logic Gates
- Digital Multiplexer and De-Multiplexer
- DMA Channel (PDL_DMA)
- Down Counter 7-bit (Count7)
- Dual Timer (PDL_DT)
- Emulated EEPROM
- External Interrupt (PDL_EXINT)
- External Library
- Fan Controller
- Frequency Divider
- General Purpose I/O Pin (PDL_GPIO) and Fast GPIO Pin (PDL_FGPIO)
- Glitch Filter
- Global Signal Reference (GlobalSignal)
- Hardware Watchdog (PDL_HWWDG)
- Inter-IC Sound Bus (I2S)
- Interrupt
- LIN Slave
- Logic High/Logic Low
- Lookup Table (LUT)
- Low Power Modes (PDL_LPM)
- Low Voltage Detect (PDL_LVD)
- Main Flash (PDL_MFlash)
- Multifunction Serial Interface (PDL_MFS)
- Net Join
- Net Tie
- Operational Amplifier (OpAmp_PDL)
- Pins
- Precision Illumination Signal Modulation (PrISM)
- Pseudo Random Sequence (PRS)
- PSoC ® Creator Component Datasheet - Smart I/O™
- PSoC ® Creator Component Datasheet Switched - Cap VDAC
- PSoC 4 CSD Comparator
- PSoC 4 Current Digital to Analog Converter (IDAC7) 1.0
- PSoC 4 Inductive Sensing (IndSense)
- PSOC Creator Component Datasheet - I2c Master/slave 1.20
- PSoC™ Creator Component Datasheet - Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- PSoC™ Creator Component Datasheet - Single Edge Nibble Transmission (SENT_TX) 1.0
- PSoC™ Creator Datapath Configuration Tool User Guide
- PSoC™ Creator Universal Digital Block (UDB) Editor Guide
- Pulse Converter
- Pulse Width Modulator (PWM)
- Quadrature Decoder (QuadDec)
- Quadrature Position Revolution Counter (PDL_QPRC)
- Real-Time Clock (PDL_RTC)
- Remote Control (PDL_RC)
- Reset (PDL_RESET)
- Resistance Temperature Detector Calculator (RTD)
- Scanning Comparator (ScanComp)
- Scanning SAR ADC (Scan_ADC)
- SEGGER emWin Graphic Library (emWinGraphics)
- Segment LCD (PDL_LCD)
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Master
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Slave
- Shift Register (ShiftReg)
- SIO Port
- Software Transmit UART (SW_Tx_UART)
- Software Watchdog (PDL_SWWDG)
- SR Flip Flop
- Status Register
- Switched-Cap Filter
- Sync
- Terminal Reserve
- Thermistor Calculator
- Thermocouple Calculator
- Timer
- TMP05 Temp Sensor Interface
- Toggle Flip Flop
- Tri-State Buffer (Bufoe)
- UDB Clock Enable (UDBClkEn)
- Unique Id (PDL_UID)
- Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)
- VBAT Domain (PDL_VBAT)
- Virtual Mux
- Voltage Comparator (Comp_PDL)
- Watch Counter (PDL_WC)
- 12-Bit A/D Converter (PDL_ADC)
PSoC™ 6 Components
- 概要
- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE_PDL)
- Clock (SysClk_PDL)
- Direct Memory Access (DMA_PDL)
- General Purpose Input / Output (GPIO)
- Inter-IC Sound Bus (I2S_PDL)
- Low Power Comparator (LPComp_PDL)
- Multi-Counter Watchdog (MCWDT_PDL)
- PSoC 6 Capacitive Sensing (CAPSENSE™)
- PSoC 6 Current Digital to Analog Converter (IDAC7)
- Pulse Width Modulator (TCPWM_PWM_PDL)
- Pulse-Density Modulation to Pulse-Code Modulation Decoder (PDM_PCM_PDL)
- Quadrature Decoder (TCPWM_QuadDec_PDL)
- Real-Time Clock (RTC_PDL)
- Serial Memory Interface (SMIF_PDL)
- Smart I/O™ (PDL)
- System Interrupt (SysInt)
- Timer / Counter (TCPWM_Counter_PDL)
- Voltage DAC (12-bit) (VDAC12)
Infineon is your one-stop shop for high-performance embedded system design. We back up our uniquely flexible programmable system-on-chip architectures with high quality software tools that help you get the most out of your PSOC™ device. With PSOC™ Creator, PSOC™ Designer and PSOC™ Programmer you have access to a suite of world-class integrated design environments to support your embedded development with PSOC™. There is simply no faster way to configure the perfect device, develop application code, then build, debug and deploy an embedded design.