Virtual Starter Kit
General Description

The Virtual Starter Kit provides users a total simulation environment for FM Family microcontrollers. The user can develop the software, without using evaluation board. The target system of Virtual Starter Kit includes not only FM family's microcontroller but also external devices. IDEs currently in use by the developer can be used in this environment. As debug and analysis can be done efficiently, Virtual Starter Kit enables software development to be done in short period of time.
- Controllability
- Able to stop and restart the entire system, including peripheral devices (motor, etc.).
- Able to reproduce 100% of behavior, not limited to bugs.
- Able to insert errors. (Can precisely insert an error with a predetermined timing in order to test the abnormality system.)
- Visibility
- Able to trace signals inside the microcontroller that cannot be seen with an actual device.
- Safety
- Is not impacted by physical properties. (Poor contact of connectors, noise.)
- Is not impacted by environmental factors such as individual differences in boards or ambient temperature.
- Cost
- Performs debugging and analysis with excellent efficiency.
- The built development environment is through a network, so it enables easy deployment to development centers around the world.
- Enables testing of faults such as wire breakage for signals, without actual physical damage.
- Does not take up physical storage space. (Able to store many environments on a single hard disk.)
- Free-of-charge use of evaluation version is available.
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