Sustainability and Responsibility
We take our corporate responsibility very seriously and want to make ourselves strong for people and the environment – Corporate Social Responsibility is therefore a central component of our strategy. Here’s proof of our commitment:
Safety in the workplace
The safety of our employees takes the highest priority: Through extensive preventative measures, we create a safe working environment that minimizes the number of workplace accidents. All of our production locations worldwide are certified for their occupational health and safety management.
Societal and social engagement
We see it as our task to make a positive contribution to society. Thus we help in times of natural and humanitarian catastrophes, invest in educational initiatives, and support local social projects. At our location in Malacca (Malaysia), the “Charity Run” raised over €3,000 (~ $3,885) – these collected donations benefited the “Melaka Cancer Society,” which helps cancer patients in need.
These are only a few examples of how we do business sustainably and responsibly. Have we piqued your curiosity? Find out more here: Corporate Social Responsibility