Smart sensing in power tools enabled by XENSIV™ magnetic sensors

Did you know in which power tool applications Infineon sensors are used?

  • The first application is position sensing and direction indication within the drill trigger. In that the linear movement of the drill trigger or the position of the direction indication can be sensed by different magnetic sensors depending on your requirements.
  • The second application our magnetic sensors are used in, is current sensing where the used current of the power tool is precisely measured by the sensor and controlled by the microcontroller.
  • The last and most important application is BLDC motor commutation, therein the magnetic sensors are used in order to detect the position of the rotor, this information is then used in order to correctly commutate the motor and get the best possible efficiency in terms of torque.


But how do our magnetic sensors revolutionize these applications, and how especially drill trigger in which resitive potentionmeter measurment prinicple is commonly used?

Especially for the drill trigger we have a disruptive idea increasing reliability, lower complexity and reducing cost in comparison to the resistive potentiometer principle.

Are you curious then deep dive into our power tools presentation - download now