The Perfect Solution for Your Needs! Now available for on demand.
Register for our informative webinar about PSoC™ MCUs
Now available for on demand!
This webinar will help you to understand PSoC 4100S Max features and target applications and we will explore the newest member of PSoC Automotive 4000S family of microcontrollers.
In our webinar our expert will begin with a brief look at some of the challenges in designing for modern HMI applications, followed by an introduction to the PSoC™ 4100S Max and 5th Generation CAPSENSE™ touch sense technology.
You will learn about where does PSoC™ 4100S Max fits into portfolio and whats new about it? And understand Advanced Sensing Solutions for Sleek UI development using the PSoC™ 4100S Max.
We will Explore target applications, available demonstration kits, and where to learn more.