Getting started with ModusToolbox™

ModusToolbox™ Installation

In this video we'll walk through the basic steps to download and install ModusToolbox™. Video showcases installation on Windows, in addition to providing details for installing on macOS and Linux operating systems.

ModusToolbox™ Documentation

Quick and easy access to documentation is a key attribute to working with a development environment like ModusToolbox™. In this video we highlight how to access some of the key documentation resources and where to go for additional community support.

Creating an application

Infineon provides a large number of code examples and project templates available with Infineon GitHub repositories. This video provides an overview of working with the ModusToolbox™ project creator to create an application on your development machine. Details cover using the standalone graphical project creator, an integrated flow within the Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox™, and using the command-line interface to create projects in a scriptable way.

Exploring an application

With an ModusToolbox™ application created, this video will walk through the various folder structure, exploring the location of board support package files, shared libraries, and ModusToolbox™ workflow files. The goal is to help demystify how the various files are used and enable the developer to take full advantage of the flexibility provided by the ModusToolbox™ development environment.

Adding Middleware with Library Manager

In this video we'll walk through the features of the library manager.  The ModusToolbox™ Library Manager enabled adding and managing software repositories and Board Support Packages (BSPs) within a ModusToolbox™ application.

An introduction to BSPs

This video details what a Board Support Package (BSP) is in the context of ModusToolbox™.  We'll cover what is in a BSP and how it can be used in our application development.

Using the BSP Assistant

In this video we introduce the ModusToolbox™ BSP Assistant.  We'll cover how it can be used to modify an existing BSP within our application or creating a new BSP for our hardware implementation.

Working with the ModusToolbox™ Command-Line

In this video we'll discuss and walkthrough using the command-line interface supported with ModusToolbox™. Covering the features and commands available within the ModusToolbox™ make-based build system.