MCU Derivates: TC23xL
CPU Clock: 200 MHz
- Evaluation Board (TriBoard)
- USB cable
- Power Supply
- Extension Board
- Free TriCore Entry Tool Chain
- Getting Started, first 3 Steps to
- Install the Tools
- Set up your Hardware
- Write and debug your first Program
Multiple on-chip memories:
– All embedded NVM and SRAM are ECC protected
– 2 Mbyte Program Flash Memory (PFLASH)
– 128 Kbyte Data Flash Memory (DFLASH) usable for EEPROM emulation
– 32 Kbyte Local Memory Unit(LMU)
– 512 Kbyte Memory EEPROM Emulation Memory (EMEM)
– Boot ROM (BROM)
– 184 Kbyte Data Scratch-Pad RAM (DSPR)
– 8 Kbyte Instruction Scratch-Pad RAM (PSPR)
– 8 Kbyte Instruction Cache (ICACHE)
OnBoard Interfaces:
– Standard power connector
- Micro USB connector for ASC Interface (ASC0) and miniWiggler
- RJ45 connector for Ethernet
- 16-pin header for JTAG interface (OCDS)
- 10-pin header for DAP
- 10pin (2x5) Header for LIN Transceiver (LIN)
- 2 x 10pin (2x5) Header for CAN High-Speed Transceiver (CAN0 and CAN1)
- 2 x 10pin (2x5) Header for FlexRay (ERAY-A and ERAY-B)
- Four 80-pin connectors (male) + four 80-pin connectors (female) with all I/O signals
- Optional ETK connector
- Optional 10pin (2x5) Socket for HSCT
- Aurora connector (only with Emulation Device)