FP75R17N3E4P_B21 1700 V, 75 A PIM three phase input rectifier IGBT module
EconoPIM™ 3 1700 V, 75 A three phase PIM IGBT module with fast TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT4, Emitter Controlled 4 diode, NTC and Thermal Interface Material. The PIM (Power Integrated Modules) with integration of 2,2 kV rectifier and brake chopper enables system cost savings.
Summary of Features
- Low stray inductance module design
- High reliability and power density
- Copper base plate for optimized heat spread
- PressFIT pins
- Low switching losses
- High switching frequency
- RoHS-compliant modules
- Extension of rectifier blocking voltage capability to 2.2kV
- Compact module concept
- Optimized customer’s development cycle time and cost
- Configuration flexibility