CoolSiC™ Schottky Diodes 2000 V G5
The diode family enables a new level of efficiency and design simplification
CoolSiC™ Schottky diode 2000 V, enables a transition to higher power levels with minimized power losses, which can be achieved through increased DC link voltage. It’s the first discrete silicon carbide diode on the market with a breakdown voltage of 2000 V.

The right choice
The CoolSiC™ Schottky diode 2000 V G5 family allows developers to achieve higher power levels in their applications with only half the component count of 1200 V solutions. This simplifies the overall design and enables a smooth transition from multi-level topologies to 2-level topologies.
The product family is suitable for applications with DC link voltages up to 1500 VDC and offers current ratings from 10 to 80 A.
The perfect match
The 2000 V diode family is a perfect match for the CoolSiC MOSFETs 2000 V in the TO-247Plus-4 HCC package and is ideal for higher DC link voltage applications such as in solar and EV charging applications.
Further benefits
The CoolSiC™ Schottky diode 2000 V G5 family incorporate important key benefits, e.g. the high DC-link systems up to 1500 VDC, minimized conduction losses, no reverse recovery current, high power with half the part count, topology simplification and increased reliability.