CYUSB3KIT-003 EZ-USB™ FX3 SuperSpeed explorer kit
The CYUSB3KIT-003 EZ-USB™ FX3 SuperSpeed explorer kit is an easy-to-use and inexpensive development platform enabling developers to add USB 3.0 device functionality to any system. The kit is built to evaluate and develop solutions with the CYUSB301x family of EZ-USB™ FX3 USB 3.0 peripheral controllers.
EZ-USB™ FX3 is powered by a fully accessible ARM9 core with 512 KB of RAM. The device has a fully configurable, GPIF II (general programmable interface) that can interface with any processor, ASIC, image sensor, or FPGA.

The FX3 SuperSpeed explorer kit includes rectangular connectors which can be easily interfaced with any external device. Interconnect boards to interface these rectangular connectors with Aptina image sensor boards, Xilinx FPGA boards and Altera FPGA boards are available as accessories.
CYUSB3ACC-004A: Interconnect board for ON semiconductor image sensor board
CYUSB3ACC-005: Xilinx FPGA FMC interconnect board
CYUSB3ACC-006: Altera FPGA HSMC interconnect board
CYUSB3ACC-007: CPLD accessory board
Refer to the SuperSpeed Device Design By Example book, by John Hyde. This guide is optimized to work with the FX3 SuperSpeed Explorer kit. Work through a series of examples designed to teach you how to design a real-world USB 3.0 application.
The FX3 SuperSpeed Explorer Kit includes an integrated debugger (CY USB-Serial Bridge Controller) which provides a JTAG/UART interface through a standard USB 2.0 port. This supports a PC interface through a separate USB 2.0 connection. The EZ-USB™ FX3 SDK includes Zylin and OpenOCD plugins and it allows step-through debugging in the EZ USB SUITE. Refer to SuperSpeed explorer kit User Guide available with kit installer or FX3 SDK user guide present in the FX3 SDK installer for more instructions.
Development board (1) USB 3.0 A to B cable (1) Quick start guide jumpers (4)
Accelerate your USB 3.0 design with the SuperSpeed code examples
Translated documents are for reference only. We recommend that you refer to the English-language version of a document if you are engaged in development of a design. |