At Infineon, I have a very good work-life balance which is important to me as I am mother of a little boy.
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The Corporate Finance department (CFI) is responsible for Infineon’s capital management with the key objective to ensure access to funding and financial flexibility on the basis of a sound capital structure. In line with this objective, CFI taps the banking and capital markets through a range of instruments and structures and executes respective transactions. In that context, CFI is also responsible for Infineon's banking strategy. Within the Infineon group, subsidiaries are financed centrally which is planned and directed by CFI. In addition, the team advises and supports corporate projects such as M&A transactions on treasury-related topics as well as Divisional and Operational teams regarding financing related questions in the context of guarantees, leasing and prepayments.

In my position, I blend my specialized theoretical knowledge about IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) with practical tasks. Beyond regularly occurring tasks, many exciting projects keep work interesting.
Leila's Story
Attention to the details
Leila joined Infineon in Neubiberg as Manager External Reporting & Regulations in 2019, before being promoted to Senior Manager and then Director External Reporting & Projects in 2023. Relying on her organization skills, Leila focuses on being accurate and precise when fulfilling all regulatory requirements as they must be high quality and timely.
Leila in four words:
ActiveDriver SolutionFinder SportsEnthusiast ChildTamerExternal reporting: Preparation of half-year financial reports and annual reports.
Special projects, such as accompaning the implementation of the EU Taxonomy Regulation or the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive at Infineon from Finance side.
Beside many technical memorandums and e-mails, the main result is the annual report.
Working with many different departments that all contribute to the annual report.
In my position, I am involved very early on when it comes to new financial or sustainability reporting requirements.
Deliver a high-quality product (the annual report) that meets all regulatory requirements in time.
Keeping track of all new regulatory requirements around external financial and sustainability reporting on national, international and EU level.
Smart working is the future. We need to optimize procecees to increase productivity.

Developing our Global Finance Services further, I link our global teams to our strategy. Owning organizational processes, managing projects and developing our ambition further – every day comes with new perspectives.
Julian's Story
Taking Global Finance Services to the next level
In 2017, Julian first joined Infineon Munich as an intern. After completing the International Graduate Program (IGP), he focused on Project Management in Accounting. Now, he is part of the Global Finance Services Team, responsible for Strategy & Development, as well as steering Performance Management and Governance with the centers around the globe.
Julian in four words:
StrategicThinker Commander SportsEnthusiast FoodieTo me, Infineon excels in its people-oriented culture. I really have the feeling that I can bring up ideas and drive topics further. We have low hierarchies and I have always been feeling the support needed. Also you have the chance to understand a lot from literally any other function if you just raise your interest and meet up for lunch.
In a broader definition, many tasks can be summarized as somewhat related to project management. I think that comes naturally with the forward-looking view in my role. We are a great team from various locations and we really drive various topics forward. Together with my colleagues in the locations, we are owning several organizational processes that require on the one side the global as well as local coordination, and – on the other side – the regular evaluation and potential optimization.
That‘s quite difficult to answer – as the results are not always quite easy to visualize. Someone once said in Shared Services you will never get rewarded for the 99 invoices paid on time but always challenged for the delayed one. I think the biggest result of us working as a team is the standing of our Shared Services organization these days – it surely is an effort that has already started various years before I joined and is a joint effort of many people. Yet, I am happy that I can contribute to this.
The best part of my job is the social interaction that I have every day. We are located in various locations worldwide, bringing together an amazing diversity – in perspectives, ideas but also just in the type of personalities.
As Shared Services organization we are by default very customer-oriented, and it is always a moment to celebrate when seeing that a project pays-off in practice.
One thing that makes my position exciting and which I normally enjoy a lot, yet, which also is a challenge from time to time is the broad variety of topics as well as new situations literally every day. Let‘s face it – there is always the moment where you just want to do some routine tasks that you are used to. Luckily, this is very seldom the case for me.
There is no either or. Working in a smart way is the choice to go for when there is a „better“ way of spending the released time. Yet, if you belief in something or you know the value add, then it is definitely worth to go the extra mile and work hard to achieve your goals. By the way, I think this mindset is applicable to both professional and private situations.
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