Frequently Asked Questions
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on 20 February 2025, at 10:00 a.m., CET as virtual AGM.
The location of the Annual General Meeting within the meaning of the German Stock Corporation Act is Am Campeon 1-15, 85579 Neubiberg. The physical attendance of shareholders and their proxies (with the exception of company proxies) at the location of the Annual General Meeting is not permitted.
All shareholders who are recorded in the Company’s stock register and have registered for the Annual General Meeting by no later than the end of 13 February 2025 (CET) are entitled, together with their respective proxies, to exercise shareholder's rights, in particular voting rights, in the Annual General Meeting. The exercise of these rights is based on the shareholding recorded in the stock register on the day of the Annual General Meeting. However, please be aware that for technical processing reasons, there is a so-called entry freeze (Technical Record Date) between 14 February 2025 and the day of the Annual General Meeting (both days inclusive) and no entries can be made in the Company’s stock register during that time. Registering for the AGM, however, does not cause shares to be blocked, so shareholders can continue to make use of their shares without restriction after registration and irrespective of the entry freeze. Purchasers of shares for which applications for registration in the stock register are not timely received by the Company may not, however, exercise shareholder's rights, in particular voting rights, in the Annual General Meeting, unless they have obtained a power of attorney or are otherwise authorized to exercise such rights.
Your registration must be received no later than 13 February 2025, midnight (CET). We cannot consider notices of attendance received after that date.
Registrations for the Annual General Meeting may be submitted electronically
- via the InvestorPortal accessible at
or in text form via one of the following contact channels:
- e-mail address
- address
Infineon Technologies AG
c/o Computershare Operations Center
80249 Munich
or pursuant to section 67c AktG by intermediaries to the following SWIFT address:
- SWIFT: CMDHDEMMXXX; instructions in accordance with ISO 20022;authorization via SWIFT Relationship Management Application (RMA) required
For electronic registration online you will need your shareholder number and an individual login code, which you either receive with your AGM documents or have selected yourself via the InvestorPortal and which is still valid if consent to electronic delivery has already been given in previous years.
Those wishing to register in text form can download from the internet at a multi-purpose registration, proxy, instruction and mail ballot form.
You may use our InvestorPortal to register for the Annual General Meeting, cast your votes by mail ballot or appoint a proxy and issue voting instructions. Please use your shareholder number and individual login code, which you either receive with your AGM documents or have selected yourself via the InvestorPortal and which is still valid if consent to electronic delivery has already been given in previous years, to access our InvestorPortal.
Invitations are distributed to the shareholders starting 13 January 2025. If you are an ADR holder you will receive your information package from Citibank.
All persons who are recorded in the Company’s stock register by the day of the Annual General Meeting are entitled to exercise shareholder's rights in the Annual General Meeting. If the shares are sold, the seller will possibly be deleted from the stock register by the day of the Annual General Meeting and will therefore no longer be authorized to participate. In this case, if a registration confirmation has already been issued, it becomes invalid.
In case of an address change, please contact your depositary bank who will arrange for an update of the Company’s stock register.
No. Your entitlement is independent of your participation or voting in the Annual General Meeting. Please note, however, that a dividend can only be paid if a majority of shareholders participating in the Annual General Meeting supports a dividend proposal.
The Supervisory Board and Management Board propose to pay a dividend of EUR 0.35 per qualifying share.
According to the proposal of the Supervisory Board and Management Board the amount remaining after the dividend payment will be transferred to revenue reserves (Gewinnrücklagen).
Yes, from the dividend for the 2024 fiscal year taxes equal to 26.375% of the dividend amount (25% withholding tax and 5.5% solidarity surcharge thereon) plus church tax, if applicable, will be withheld. Such withholding tax will not be applied, however, if and to the extent the taxpayer provided a non-filing certificate or an exemption certificate to his/her custodian bank.
Foreign investors also have to check the taxation of the dividend in their country of residence.
Please note that due to the variety and number of shareholders we cannot provide specific tax advice, but only make general statements about the taxation principles. We kindly request that you contact your tax advisor for specific details.
All Infineon shares that are in your securities account on 20 February 2025, i.e. on the day of the Annual General Meeting that decides upon the proposed dividend, qualify for a dividend.
The decisive accounts are those of Infineon Technologies AG, which have been prepared in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB). The balance sheet profit (Bilanzgewinn) shown there is subject to the resolution of the Annual General Meeting.
Provided that the Annual General Meeting on 20 February 2025 decides a dividend, as per the applicable provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act the payment will be effected on 25 February 2025. The ex dividend date will be 21 February 2025.
The dividend will be credited to your bank account on the payment date. You do not have to provide for any specific arrangements.
Please contact your personal/custodian bank.
Normally the individual shareholder’s bank draws up a statement of the dividend paid and informs its customer accordingly. Infineon does not notify the shareholders.