iMOTION™ Integrated Motor Control Solutions Highly integrated products for the control of a variable speed drive (VSD)
iMOTION™ is a family of highly integrated products for the control of a variable speed drive
iMOTION™ ICs integrate all the control and analog interface functions required for sensor less field oriented control (FOC) of PM motors using DC link or leg shunt current measurements. In addition they feature Infineon’s patented and field proven motion control engine (MCE) that eliminates software coding from the motor control algorithm development process. Implementing a variable speed drive is reduced to configuring the MCE for the respective motor. Assisted by the powerful tool iMOTION™ Solution Designer (iSD) it is possible to have the motor up and running in less than an hour.
The iMOTION™ family consists of the iMOTION™ controllers, the iMOTION™ drivers and the iMOTION™ IPMs.
Solution Designer as new tool for iMOTION™ motor control solution

Integrated GUI-based iMOTIONTM tool to simplify the design of inverterized drives.

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Aimed at offering customers the best fitting solution the iMOTION™ family offers several levels of hardware integration. In addition to the stand-alone MCE control IC Infineon is offering variants with an additional microcontroller.
The highest integration level is achieved in the IPM family members. The combination of the MCE together with the gate driver and a three phase full bridge results in a complete inverter system in one small PQFN package. By integrating both the required hardware and software to perform sensor less control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) they provide the highest energy efficient appliance motor system with the lowest system cost.

From novice to expert with iMOTION™
This guide [en] [cn] provides a structured, sequential approach to learning iMOTION™. It will serve as a syllabus listing resources available at each stage of working with iMOTION™ products. The document begins with highlights of iMOTION™ products and their features. Resources around evaluating the products and prototyping your system with iMOTION™ follow. The next stage describes the iMOTION™ tools and the final one lists resources describing advanced usage of iMOTION™.
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Infineon´s iMOTION™ family consists of highly integrated products for the control of variable speed drives. Learn more about the benefits and the integration levels in this video.
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Motion Control Engine (MCE) inside infineon iMOTION devices.
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To help designers master these challenges and relieve the burden of complex software and hardware design, Infineon's broad portfolio is offering full solution for these types of systems, based on iMOTION™ motion control ICs and CIPOS™ Intelligent Power Modules (IPM). This webinar will present Infineon's solution to complex and compact FOC systems designs.
iMOTION™ ICs integrate hardware and software functionality required for controlling PMSM motors with field-oriented control (FOC) (with and without sensors). iMOTION™ products are based on Infineon’s patented, field-tested Motion Control Engine (MCE), which eliminates software coding from the development process. As a result, all users have to do to implement a variable speed drive is configure the MCE for the respective motor drive system.
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The iMOTION™ Solution Designer bundles all PC-based support functions related to setting up and running iMOTION™ products. This includes the configuration, programming and live tuning using configurable oscilloscopes as well as script editing and debugging. This training will help you get started with iMOTION™ Solution Designer.
Infineon's iMOTION™ family provides active power factor correction integrated digital motor control solutions for different product platforms, including iMOTION™ controllers, iMOTION™ drivers, and iMOTION™ IPMs.
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