Fast, robust, dual-channel, functional isolated MOSFET gate drivers with accurate and stable timing.
The EiceDRIVER™ 2EDB8259K is a dual channel isolated gate driver IC with floating outputs. The strong 5 A/9 A source/sink dual-channel gate driver comes with a very high 150 V/ns CMTI (common mode transient immunity) for robust operation with OptiMOS™ in high-power switching noise environment.
The very short propagation delay of 38ns is provided with low variation over temperature and production which enables the power system design to achieve higher efficiency through very tight timing control. Safety certificates in accordance with UL1577 and GB4943.1 are available. 2EDB8259K is available in a 13-pin LGA 5x5 mm package.
Zusammenfassung der Merkmale
- up to 2500 Vrma VISO robust input-to-output isolation meeting UL1577 components standard
- Available system standards certificates (GB4943.1)
- Channel-to-channel isolation
- Accurate timings
- High CMTI (common mode rejection) > 150 V/ns
- < 2 µs fast UVLO start-up time
- Fast active clamping of the output for supply below UVLO
- Optional Dead-time control and shoot-through protection (DTC/STP)
- System safe isolation
- Simplified system safety approval
- Flexible driving (driving of two floating switches at different source potentials) or simply robustness against ground bounce in noisy environments
- Perfect signal synchronization for increased system efficiency
- Reliable system operation at high switching frequencies and driving of WBG (wide bandgap) devices
- Symmetrical operation in bootstrapped system with benefit on system reliability (reduced risk of saturation of the main transformer)
- Enabling safe operation in bootstrapped system during start-up
- Protection against input overlap in case of noisy conditions as output short circuits
- Operation at higher bus voltages or in worst pollution degree environments
Potentielle Zielanwendungen
- Server, telecom, SMPS
- EV Off-board chargers
- Low-voltage drives and power tools
- Solar micro inverter, solar optimizer
- Industrial power supply (SMPS, Residential UPS)