SAK-TC264DA-40F200N BC
A powerful AURIX™ microcontroller for automotive & industrial applications
SAK-TC264DA-40F200N BC belongs to TC26xDA (ADAS) family which is dedicated to the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) segment, addressing radar and camera applications. Its innovative multicore architecture, based on up to three independent 32-bit TriCore CPUs, has been designed to meet the highest safety standards, while simultaneously increasing performance significantly.Products of the TC26xDA are equipped with a TriCore with up to 200 MHz, 752KB of RAM and a dedicated FFT HW Acceleration Unit . TC26xDAseries aim for reduced complexity, best-in-class power consumption and significant cost savings.
Key Features:
- Dual TriCore with 200MHz and DSP Functionality
- Supporting Floating Point and Fix Point with all Cores
- Dedicated FFT HW Acceleration Unit
- 2.5MB Flash w/ ECC Protection
- 752KB RAM w/ ECC Protection for RADAR/Camera Image Storage
- 16 KB EEPROM at 500 k cycles
- 48xDMA channels
- Sensor interfaces : 6xSENT, 2xPSI5 , 1xPSI5S
- State of the art connectivity : Ethernet 100 Mbit , 1x FlexRay, 4xASCLINs, 4xQSPI, 1xI²C, 2xMSC, 1xHSSL , I²S emulation, 5xCAN including data rate enhanced CAN FD
- Redundant and diverse timer modules ( GTM, CCU6 , GPT12)
- High Speed Serial Interface for Interprocessor Communication
- High Speed Trace Port 2.5Ghz for Real Time Vision and Radar Data Tracking
- Single Voltage Supply 5V or 3.3V
- LQFP-144 package
- Ambient temperature range -40°C...+125°C
System benefits:
Most innovative safety:
Target applications : Automotive
Interactive Diagram [ pass over the diagram with the cursor to learn more about the features ]
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Understand how hackers use the CAN bus to interfere with in-vehicle communication, and be aware of how Infineon’s AURIX™ microcontrollers support secure CAN communication. |
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32-bit: Tricore®
32-bit: XMC4000/XMC1000®
Training Title |
Language |
Hitex |
Microconsult |
Keil MDK-ARM Powertraining mit XMC4500 (Cortex-M4) | German | X | |
Hands-on Professional Middleware für Cortex-M | German | X | |
German |
English |
16-bit: C166, XC166
Training Title |
Language |
Hitex |
Microconsult |
X | |||
X | |||
XC2000/XE16x/XC16x/ST10: Architektur, Peripherie und Embedded Programmierung |
German |
XC2000/XE16x/XC16x/ST10: Architecture, Peripherals and Embedded Programming |
English |
XC8xx/C500/8051 8-Bit Mikrocontroller: Architektur und Embedded Programmierung |
German |
X |
XC8xx/C500/8051 8-Bit Microcontrollers: Architecture and Embedded Programming | English | X |
Operating system and Applications
- AURIX™ Asynchronous Synchronous Interface
- AURIX™ Advanced Driver Assistance Subsystem (ADAS)
- AURIX™ Capture Compare Unit 6
- AURIX™ Central Processing Unit
- AURIX™ Controller Area Network
- AURIX™ Debug Support
- AURIX™ Delta-Sigma Analog-to-Digital Converter
- AURIX™ Direct Memory Access
- AURIX™ Ethernet MAC
- AURIX™ External Bus Unit
- AURIX™ Flexible CRC Engine
- AURIX™ FlexRay™ Protocol Controller
- AURIX™ General Purpose Input Output
- AURIX™ General Purpose Timer Unit
- AURIX™ Generic Timer Module
- AURIX™ Hardware Security Module
- AURIX™ High Speed Serial Link
- AURIX™ Infineon Low Level Driver
- AURIX™ Input Output Monitor
- AURIX™ Inter-Integrated Circuit Module
- AURIX™ Interrupt Router
- AURIX™ Memory Maps
- AURIX™ Memory Test Unit
- AURIX™ Micro Second Channel
- AURIX™ Program Memory Unit
- AURIX™ Queued Synchronous Peripheral Interface
- AURIX™ Safety Concept
- AURIX™ Safety Management Unit
- AURIX™ Single Edge Nibble Transmission
- AURIX™ System Architecture
- AURIX™ System Timer
- AURIX™ Versatile Analog-to-Digital Converter
- AURIX™ Peripheral Sensor Interface
- AURIX™ Peripheral Sensor Interface with Serial PHY
- AURIX™ System Control Units
- AURIX™_ADC_Background_Scan_1
- AURIX™_ADC_Group_Scan_1
- AURIX™_Blinky_LED_1
- AURIX™_CCU6_Interrupt_1
- AURIX™_CCU6_PWM_Generation_1
- AURIX™_CCU6_PWM_Capture_1
- AURIX™_CPU_Perf_Counters_1
- AURIX™_DMA_ADC_Transfer_1
- AURIX™_DMA_Linked_List_Mode_1
- AURIX™_DMA_Mem_to_Mem_1
- AURIX™_ERU_Interrupt_1
- AURIX™_GPT12_PWM_Capture_1
- AURIX™_GPT12_Timer_Concatenation_1
- AURIX™_GPIO_LED_Button_1
- AURIX™_GTM_ATOM_Interrupt_1
- AURIX™_GTM_TOM_Interrupt_1
- AURIX™_GTM_TIM_Capture_1
- AURIX™_I2C_Read_Ext_Device_1
- AURIX™_Interrupt_Prio_1
- AURIX™_IOM_PWM_Monitor_1
- AURIX™_IOM_Signals_Comparison_1
- AURIX™_Multicore_1
- AURIX™ _PWM_Buzzer_1
- AURIX™ _RAM_Run_Function_1
- AURIX™_SCU_Clock_1
- AURIX™_SCU_Die_Temp_Sensor_1
- AURIX™_SCU_Emergency_Stop_1
- AURIX™_SCU_Power_Down_Idle_1
- AURIX™_SCU_Power_Down_Sleep_1
- AURIX™_SCU_Reset_Detection_1
- AURIX™_SMU_Emergency_Stop_Alarm_1
- AURIX™_SMU_IR_Alarm_1
- AURIX™_SMU_Reset_Alarm_1
- AURIX™_STM_Interrupt_1
- AURIX™_UART_DMA_Transfer_1
- AURIX™_Watchdog_1
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