Ventures News: Lynx Launches Switch Family
CALABASAS HILLS, Calif. -- Lynx Photonic Networks, the leading photonic switch company, with its own patented planar lightwave circuit (PLC) switching and light management technology, today announced the LightLEADERTM family of plug-n-play photonic switches. Lynx also disclosed that its LightLEADER has been running in a live U.S. government-sponsored experimental transparent optical network known as ATDNet.
ATDNet interconnects several government networking research testbeds and has nodes located in the Washington, D.C., area, including the Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences (LTS) and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). In ATDNet, LightLEADER is currently multicasting 720 progressive scan uncompressed HDTV and ATM/SONET signals transmitted from the NRL to various network elements at the LTS. ATDNet is a transparent all-optical test network that has many research activities and interests designed to evaluate general areas of research in a live networking environment.
LightLEADER is a small optical communications system built around Lynxs patented intelligent optical switch fabrics. LightLEADER minimizes the risk and cost associated with both testbed and live production optical applications. LightLEADER switches any optical path or fiber to any other; is data-rate and format independent and can be configured as strictly non-blocking; and can dynamically tap optical lines for monitoring or security intrusion. Moreover, it is extremely flexible and can be used in many other application environments. LightLEADER comes with an intuitive GUI that is hosted on a PC locally, or remotely via an Ethernet connection. LightLEADER can be tailored to manage most port-to-port connectivity requirements, including broadcasting, distance- tuned multicasting, dynamic wavelength switching and tapping. The built-in attenuation management is useful for applications that require equalization in amplified networks. LightLEADER offers broad applications capability, including:
ATDNet interconnects several government networking research testbeds and has nodes located in the Washington, D.C., area, including the Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences (LTS) and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). In ATDNet, LightLEADER is currently multicasting 720 progressive scan uncompressed HDTV and ATM/SONET signals transmitted from the NRL to various network elements at the LTS. ATDNet is a transparent all-optical test network that has many research activities and interests designed to evaluate general areas of research in a live networking environment.
LightLEADER is a small optical communications system built around Lynxs patented intelligent optical switch fabrics. LightLEADER minimizes the risk and cost associated with both testbed and live production optical applications. LightLEADER switches any optical path or fiber to any other; is data-rate and format independent and can be configured as strictly non-blocking; and can dynamically tap optical lines for monitoring or security intrusion. Moreover, it is extremely flexible and can be used in many other application environments. LightLEADER comes with an intuitive GUI that is hosted on a PC locally, or remotely via an Ethernet connection. LightLEADER can be tailored to manage most port-to-port connectivity requirements, including broadcasting, distance- tuned multicasting, dynamic wavelength switching and tapping. The built-in attenuation management is useful for applications that require equalization in amplified networks. LightLEADER offers broad applications capability, including:
- Advanced fiber management
- Wavelength management
- Optical test access
- Revertive intelligent protection switching
- Network restoration management
- Dynamic multicast and Broadcast for video applications
- Optical SAN protection and mirroring
- Dynamic reconfigurability for static OADMs
- Intrusion tapping for security applications.