MEMS 麦克风-英飞凌(Infineon)官网
XENSIV™ - 低自噪声(SNR)、宽动态范围、低失真、高声学过载点。
英飞凌 XENSIV™ MEMS 麦克风推出了一个新性能等级的数字 MEMS 麦克风,助力克服现有的音频链限制。 IM69D130 专为需要低自噪声(高SNR)、宽动态范围、低失真和高声学过载点的应用而设计。
凭借卓越的 XENSIVTM MEMS麦克风性能,英飞凌广泛的全球合作伙伴网络为客户提供全面的 基于XENSIVTM MEMS 麦克风的参考设计产品组合,以及英飞凌内部 MEMS 麦克风,即使是最苛求的应用,也能帮助您将音频性能提升到新的水平。请点击下方按钮,了解更多信息并购买我们的合作伙伴解决方案。

特性 | 优势 |
高保真度和远场录音 用于高级音频信号处理的匹配、噪声和无失真音频信号 用于延迟敏感型应用的超低群延迟 无需模拟组件 |
英飞凌的双背板(DBP)MEMS 技术

英飞凌的双背板 MEMS 技术基于微型对称麦克风设计,与录音室电容式麦克风类似,可以在105dB动态范围内实现输出信号的高线性度。
麦克风噪底为25dB[A](69dB[A] SNR),即使声压级为128dB SPL(AOP 130dB SPL),失真度也不会超过1%。平坦频率响应 (28Hz低频滚降)和紧密制造公差导致麦克风的紧密相位匹配,这对于多麦克风 (阵列)应用非常重要。
Creating powerful partnerships - Infineon partner ecosystem success stories
Infineon inside MEMS microphone partners
Our Infineon inside MEMS microphone partners provide you with a full range of MEMS microphones suitable for a variety of applications.
XENSIV™ MEMS microphone partner solutions
Premium MEMS microphones and cutting-edge audio processing are the key elements for making voice-controlled devices truly ready for everyday situations. Features like turning off a TV across different rooms as well as the ability to whisper to Alexa to dim down the light will be key differentiators of next-generation voice-user interfaces. That is why Infineon and its voice-user interface ecosystem partners are leveraging their technological expertise to provide innovative reference platforms and ready-to-use next-generation voice-user interface solutions.
Customers looking for a reference design containing Infineon’s XENSIV™ MEMS microphones can contact one of our partners listed below. This section provides an overview and introduction to our partners and their offerings, as well as a relevant distributor or contact person for purchasing support. Kindly refer to the links used in the texts, company logo, and partner signet to navigate directly to the respective website for further information.