iMOTION™ IC集成了利用直流母线电流或桥臂电流测量,实现无传感器永磁电机控制(FOC)所需的所有控制和模拟接口功能。此外,它还采用英飞凌获得专利并经过现场验证的运动控制引擎(MCE),系统工程师不再需要在电机控制算法的开发过程中进行软件编程。只需要为相应的电机配置MCE参数,就可以实现变频驱动器应用。借助功能强大的工具——iMOTION™解决方案设计器Solution Designer (iSD),就可以在一小时内启动并运行电机。
iMOTION™系列由iMOTION™控制器、iMOTION™驱动器和iMOTION™ IPM(智能功率模块)组成。
Solution Designer是iMOTION™电机控制解决方案的一款新工具。

iMOTION™ 系列提供若干层级硬件集成,旨在为客户提供满意的解决方案。除了单独的MCE控制IC外,英飞凌还提供带有附加微控制器的其他型号IC。
Find out what iSD offers you, how projects are created and the work flow in terms of configuration, tuning, dashboards and scripting. In addition to a general overview the main steps towards the final motor control solutions are presented, namely the configuration wizard, the tuning dashboard and oscilloscope, the script editor, and debugger. iMOTION™ Solution Designer will support you through the complete project workflow, achieving the shortest time to market with the lowest R&D efforts.
Infineon´s iMOTION™ family consists of highly integrated products for the control of variable speed drives. Learn more about the benefits and the integration levels in this video.
Learn all about iMOTION™ 2.0 and how quickly you can get a motor up and running with this easy to follow video tutorial. This getting started guide first goes over a typical 3-phase motor drive set-up utilizing Infineon’s MADK system solution platform then dives into using the iMOTION™ tools (MCEWizard and MCEDesigner) to configure your iMOTION™ controller as well a run and tune your motor drive set-up.
本视频教程为您全方位介绍如何使用英飞凌公司的iMOTION™ 2.0方案快速启动并运行电机。本教程首先会介绍一套典型的iMOTION™电机变频控制方案模块化应用开发套件(MADK)。然后本教程会详细讲解如何使用iMOTION™的工具软件包 (MCEWizard 和MCEDesigner)来配置iMOTION™控制器以及运行和调试电机。
在此视频中描述了用于永磁电机控制的现有无传感器算法。通过英飞凌移动设备内部的电机控制引擎 (MCE)可以轻松避免无传感器控制的常见缺陷,例如非受控启动。通过低惯性风扇电机可以实现无振动且无振幅的清洁启动。
为了帮助设计人员应对这些挑战并减轻复杂软件设计和硬件设计的负担,英飞凌广泛的产品组合通过 iMOTION™ 电机控制 IC 和 CIPOS™ 智能功率模块(IPM)为这些系统提供了完整的解决方案。本次网络研讨会将介绍英飞凌为复杂紧凑型 FOC 系统设计提供的解决方案。
iMOTION™IC 集成了控制 PMSM 电机所需的硬件功能和软件功能,具有磁场定向控制(FOC)(有传感器和无传感器)。 iMOTION™ 产品以英飞凌电机控制引擎 (MCE)为基础,该引擎已获专利且经过实践验证,无需在电机控制算法开发过程中进行软件编码。因此,所有用户必须为相应的电机驱动系统配置 MCE 才能实现调速驱动器。

The iMOTION™ Solution Designer bundles all PC-based support functions related to setting up and running iMOTION™ products. This includes the configuration, programming and live tuning using configurable oscilloscopes as well as script editing and debugging. This training will help you get started with iMOTION™ Solution Designer.
Infineon's iMOTION™ family provides active power factor correction integrated digital motor control solutions for different product platforms, including iMOTION™ controllers, iMOTION™ drivers, and iMOTION™ IPMs.
Learn more about the iMOTION™ IPM IMI110 series which is a highly integrated, feature-optimized motor control solution to easily design-in and with a ready-2-use Software, the iMOTION™ solution designer.
iMOTION™ 2.0的发布恰逢其时。市场的最新趋势表明,无论是大公司还是小公司,"变频化"都已占据主导地位,并已广泛应用于冰箱等传统应用以及吹风机和净水器等新应用中。
为了跟上趋势,公司必须将过时的单速电机转换为变频电机加驱动器。最新的iMOTION™ 2.0是交钥匙解决方案,由先进的软件、硬件、原型设计、评估板以及支持资料组成,借助高效的变频电机驱动解决方案,客户比以往任何时候都能更轻松并能以更低的成本进入市场。
观看此视频,了解iMOTION™ 2.0的新功能。
You will find out what MADK boards are and what are their advantages regarding inverterization.