F4-11MR12W2M1HP_B76 1200 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET Fore PACK H桥模块
这是一款第一代1200 V、11 mΩ EasyPACK™ 2B CoolSiC™ MOSFET模块,带NTC温度传感器,采用预涂热界面材料(TIM)和PressFIT压接技术。
- 出色封装,高度达12 mm
- 先进的宽禁带(WBG)半导体材料
- 非常低的模块杂散电感
- 增强的第一代CoolSiC™ MOSFET
- 更大的栅极驱动电压范围
- 栅源电压:+23 V和-10 V
- 工作结温(Tvjop):过载条件下高达175°C
- PressFIT压接引脚
- 集成了NTC温度传感器
- 热界面材料(TIM)
- 优异的模块效率
- 系统成本优势
- 提升系统效率
- 降低散热需求
- 可实现更高的频率
- 提高功率密度
Customers of power electronics require ever more modern, easy connection technologies, which also provide a higher reliability to meet the trends to higher temperatures and new applications.
This training covers the properties of Silicon Carbide which change the way how an inverter is designed compared to Si-chips. With that in mind, we explain SiC specific degradation mechanisms and how to ensure that SiC devices survive in the application, considering these special failure modes, by applying the reliability tests Infineon developed. These are internally mandatory for SiC device qualifications to ensure better quality, safety, and reliable device performance for years.
With the growing market of electrical vehicles, the industry has put forward more requirements for the performance of charging piles.
This e-learning will show you that the emergence of CoolSiC™ MOSFETs has improved the charging pile industry to make the EV charger smaller, faster and with higher efficiency.
With this training you will learn how to calculate a reference gate resistance value for your Silicon Carbide MOSFET, how to identify suitable gate driving ICs based on peak current and power dissipation requirements and to fine-tune the gate resistance value in laboratory environment based on worst case conditions.