650 V/ 1100 V/ 1200 V/ 1350 V/ 1400V/ 1600 V RC-H Reverse Conducting IGBTs
The RC-H devices offer incredibly low switching and conduction losses, improved thermal performance and reduced power dissipation. They guarantee the best reliability for resonant switching application, even in high ambient temperature environments. Optimized for soft switching behavior, they offer excellent EMI behavior thus leading to less filtering requirements and ultimately to lower system costs.
总之,RC-H IGBT采用单晶圆,是软开关应用场合的理想选择,如电磁炉、变频微波炉和电磁电饭煲等。
我们将TRENCHSTOP™系列业界领先的性能与创新性逆导型RC-H IGBT技术相结合,打造出新一代一流器件。
RC-H IGBT与EiceDRIVER™系列低边和半桥IGBT栅极驱动器完美匹配。

1400 V Reverse Conducting R5L

The 1400 V Reverse Conducting R5L with monolithically integrated reverse conducting diode in a TO-247 3pin package has been specially designed to fulfill specific requirement of Induction Cooking applications and embodies the next level of Infineon technology in improved vertical design and edge termination to realize a narrower losses distribution comparing to existing Reverse Conducting R5 family.
The Reverse Conducting R5L family is offered in four current class – 20 A, 25 A, 30 A and 40 A – with the increase breakdown voltage of 1400 V and shows low conduction and switching losses in the induction heating appliance with improved reliability, optimal thermal performance, and better design flexibility.
Features | Benefits | Applications |
Single-ended resonant converters for:
650 V逆导型R6

逆导型R6 IGBT系列采用单晶圆,有助于高达75kHz的所有半桥谐振开关应用(如电磁炉和变频微波炉)实现功率损耗与EMI性能二者之间的完美平衡。
650 V R6产品组合提供3个电流等级—30 A、40 A和50 A,具备最低VCEsat,可实现最佳效率,同时降低关断损耗,二极管性能整体得到改善。由于改进了二极管,VF得以降低,并且几乎完全消除了栅极电压的依赖性。650 V R6器件显示出与现有栅极驱动器解决方案的良好兼容性。
特性 | 优势 | 应用 |
650 V、1100 V、1200 V、1350 V、1600 V逆导型R5

逆导型R5系列提供三个电流等级—20 A、30 A和40 A,阻断电压分别为650 V、1200 V和1350 V,具备高可靠性和效率、出色的热性能和更低的EMI滤波要求,从而降低总体系统成本并减少设计工作量。
1600 V R5系列使得最新一代逆导型IGBT趋于完备,该系列为满足高端电磁感应应用的更高可靠性需求而开发并进行了优化,开关损耗和导通损耗低,有助于软开关应用实现一流效率。1600 V R5提供30 A电流等级。
逆导型R5系列提供一系列电流和电压等级,可带来最全面的IGBT产品,适用于基于谐振开关拓扑的家用电器,如电磁炉和变频微波炉等。另外,1100V R5系列电流等级有30A。
关键特性 | 核心优势 | 主要应用 |
1200 V逆导型E1

逆导型E1系列提供15 A和25 A电流等级,阻断电压为1200 V。逆导型E1技术已经过优化,确保现有RC-H系列的最佳成本定位。该产品系列具有良好的热性能和较低的EMI滤波要求,从而降低总体系统成本并减少设计工作量。
特性 | 优势 | 应用 |

创新性“集成功率器件保护(IPD Protect,IEWS20R5135IPB)”将采用RC-H5技术的20 A 1350 V IGBT与独特的保护栅极驱动IC结合在一起,采用TO-247 6脚封装,适用于电磁感应加热应用。

节能、时尚、清洁和密封的表面,这些只是设计工程师必须考虑一台小家电的少数几个特点。英飞凌为两个关键领域带来解决方案,为感应加热提供IPD Protect,即RC-H5 IGBT结合保护栅极驱动器,以及电机控制解决方案(利用我们的高能效CIPOS™ IPM和iMOTION™集成设计平台)。
本次培训介绍面向半桥感应加热应用的RC-H6 650 V逆导型IGBT技术。
Get to know more about the reverse-conducting R5L IGBT, the next generation of Infineon’s RC technology, developed to meet the specific requirements of induction heating applications.

In this training, we will show you step by step where and how to access Infineon SPICE and PLECS simulation models for its discrete IGBTs and CoolSiC™ products.
We will also show how to use these models and tools in an offline and online simulation.

In this training, we will show you step by step where and how to access Infineon PLECS simulation models for its discrete IGBTs and CoolSiC™ products as well as online simulation tools.
We will also show you the differences between hard and soft switching models.