1EDL8011 1EDL8011 is a 7th FET high side gate driver to protect battery driven system during faluty condiction resulting in dangerous inrush currents
The EiceDRIVER™ 1EDL8011 provides fast turn-on/ turn-off of high-side N-channel MOSFETs with its powerful gate current capabilities. For battery-powered applications, 1EDL8011 is used to manage inrush current & protects in case of faults. The driver is available in DSO-8 package including OCP protection feature, adjustable current setting threshold, time delay and a safe start-up mechanism with flexible blanking during MOSFET turn-on transitions.
- Maximum input voltage 125 V
- Strong driver for fast turn-off
- Strong charge pump for fast start-up
- VDS sense for overcurrent protection
- Internal charge pump
- Adjustable current trip threshold
- Adjustable time delay
- Adjustable start-up blanking
- High-side protection from inrush current
