EiceDRIVER™ 200V 电平转换栅极驱动器芯片
IRS2005 代替 IRS2001;
IRS2007 可以取代 IRS2003;
IRS2008 可以取代 IRS2004。
新设计不推荐使用 IRS2001、IRS2003,IRS2004。
3 相产品系列(6EDL04N02PR、6ED003L02-F2)利用英飞凌独特的绝缘体硅片 (SOI) 电平转换技术,提供功能隔离,并具有先进的可靠性和降低的电平转换损耗。也提供集成自举二极管 (BSD) 的解决方案,可以降低 BOM 成本、简化布局和减小 PCB 尺寸。
IRS200x 系列采用先进的结隔离高压芯片技术,实现紧凑、高效和坚固的单片结构。
IRS2005/7/8 系列包括四个带有 VCC 和 VBS 欠压闭锁 (UVLO) 保护的设备。IRS2007 和 IRS2008 包括集成的死区时间和直通保护。200V器件 具有低静态电流的特点。IR2008 的特色包括带有一个关断输入引脚。
IRS2005/7/8 200V 器件采用 8 引脚 DSO-8 或 14 引脚 4x4 mm VQFN14 封装 (IRS2005M),具有各种逻辑输入选项和标准引脚输出配置,设计灵活性高,且上市时间快。所有器件均符合 MSL2 质量要求。
6Edxxxx 三相器件提供小尺寸 TSSOP-28 封装 (6EDL04N02PR)。
特性 | 优势 | 应用 |

In this training, we will present you an overview of the 6ED2742S01Q – a new 160 V 3-Phase Gate Driver IC.
You will learn about the inbuilt linear pre-regulator, charge pump, bootstrap diode as well as some protection features and learn, why it is suitable for battery powered applications.

You will have a glimpse of the different gate driver technologies available at Infineon and their benefits.
For a better understanding we will take a look at the optimization of external gate resistors to drive MOSFETs in a given application.
This training features how the level-shift gate drivers work, what are negative voltage transient and how they affect level-shift gate drivers. In addition you will learn about the technology difference between Junction isolation and Infineon’s Silicon-On-Insulator technology.
With this training, you will learn how to calculate a gate resistance value for an IGBT application, how to identify suitable gate driver ICs based on peak current and power dissipation requirements, and how to fine-tune the gate resistance value in laboratory environment based on worst case conditions.
We offer a large portfolio of level shift high voltage gate drivers – silicon-on-insulator (SOI) and junction isolated (JI) technologies. Learn about the advantages of Infineon SOI gate driver: integrated bootstrap diode, Low level-shift losses, saving space and cost, and negative VS robustness.