
2008-7-21 | 商业及财经媒体

2008年7月21日,德国Neubiberg与中国北京讯——半导体厂商英飞凌科技股份公司(FSE/NYSE: IFX)生产的新型器件将在2008年北京奥运会期间投入使用。中 国汽车制造商长安集团为其杰勋混合动力车(HEV)安装了轻度混合动力引擎,并采用英飞凌的功率器件。在北京奥运会上,这种混合动力汽车将作为出租车供运动员和公众使用。以单位销量计算,生产轿车、轿 式休旅车和轻型商务车的长安集团是中国第五大汽车厂商。


相对于目前的轻度混合动力解决方案,英飞凌成功地使电控单元和功率器件的尺寸和重量降低了三分之一。采用英飞凌功率器件尺寸约为20 x 30 x 10 cm(相当于标准鞋盒大小)的 电控系统重量仅为15千克。此外,它还可使功率损耗最高降低20%。节省的电能可再次作为HEV的动力使用。有关专家预计,具备再生制动和加速功能的混合动力汽车与传统内燃机相比,可节省大约15%至35%的 燃料。

就全球范围而言,英飞凌是第二大汽车半导体厂商,在大约193亿美元的全球市场中拥有9.4%的份额。据美国市场调研公司Strategy Analytics的最新调查,从2008年5月起,英 飞凌与全球排名第一的厂商仅相差0.9个百分点。

如欲了解英飞凌汽车产品组合和混合动力业务的技术信息,敬请登录: www.infineon.com/automotivewww.infineon.com/hybrid


About Infineon

总部位于德国Neubiberg的英飞凌科技股份公司,为现代社会的三大科技挑战领域——高能效、连通性和安全性提供半导体和系统解决方案。2007财年(截止到9月份),公司实现销售额77亿欧元( 包括奇梦达的销售额36亿欧元),在全球拥有约43,000名雇员(其中奇梦达雇员约13,500人)。英飞凌科技公司的业务遍及全球,在美国圣何塞、亚太地区的新加坡和日本东京等地拥有分支机构。英 飞凌公司已列入法兰克福股票交易所的DAX指数,并在纽约股票交易所挂牌上市,股票代号:IFX

Information Number


Press Photos

  • Designed for use in "mild" HEV vehicles, the Infineon HybridPACK(tm)1 power module contains all power semiconductors for the inverter and an NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) resistor for temperature measurement. The module is based on Infineon's leading-edge Trenchstop(tm) Fieldstop IGBT and emitter controlled diode technology. HybridPACK1 reduces the size of HEV electronic control systems by one third to only 20 x 30 x 10 cm and a weight of about 15 kilos.
    Designed for use in "mild" HEV vehicles, the Infineon HybridPACK(tm)1 power module contains all power semiconductors for the inverter and an NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) resistor for temperature measurement. The module is based on Infineon's leading-edge Trenchstop(tm) Fieldstop IGBT and emitter controlled diode technology. HybridPACK1 reduces the size of HEV electronic control systems by one third to only 20 x 30 x 10 cm and a weight of about 15 kilos.

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  • Chang An, a Chinese automobile manufacturer, has equipped a number of its vehicles in the "Jiexun" series with a mild hybrid engine and opted to use Infineon's power electronics. The "Jiexun" with hybrid drive has a velocity of at least 160 km/h. Its fuel consumption is approximately 9 l/100 km. It fulfils EURO-3-Norm and features, for example, ABS, driver and assistant driver airbag and central control lock.
    Chang An, a Chinese automobile manufacturer, has equipped a number of its vehicles in the "Jiexun" series with a mild hybrid engine and opted to use Infineon's power electronics. The "Jiexun" with hybrid drive has a velocity of at least 160 km/h. Its fuel consumption is approximately 9 l/100 km. It fulfils EURO-3-Norm and features, for example, ABS, driver and assistant driver airbag and central control lock.

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