
2016-5-6 | 市场新闻

德国慕尼黑讯——在纽伦堡电力电子系统及元器件展(PCIM)上,英飞凌科技股份公司推出iMotion™模块化应用设计套件(MADK)。这个灵活、紧凑的评估系统可针对3相电机驱动(功率范围20W-300W)提供一个可扩展的设计平台。它包括控制卡和 功率板—无传感器或选配传感器。利用该套件,可在不到1个小时内使一个全功能电机系统投入正常运行,帮助实现产品快速上市。设计人员只需几步即可驱动电机:将卡插入PC、连接电机,下载、安装软件并调整参数。


英飞凌可提供4个套件以匹配不同的电机设计。每个套件都包含一个带有调试接口的控制 ,包括整流器和EMI滤波器的完整功率板。电机控制软件为预装或可供下载,其易用的GUI可设置和调整软件参数。通过标准化的M1 20引脚MADK平台接口连接器,可实现控制卡与 功率板的不同组合,以匹配不同的应用需求。


基于XMC1302微控制器的磁场定向控制(FOC)软件支持无传感器电机控制。另外,硬件也支持利用霍尔传感器或创新的3D磁传感器。XMC1302控制卡包括一个基于Segger J-Link技术的调试工具。该工具支持基于uC-Probe的GUI软件另外,可使用英飞凌免费的一体化开发环境DAVE ,或利用其它主流的ARM®开发环境Keil、IAR或Atollic实施更进一步的应用软件开发。


另一个控制卡选项为IRMCK099M,它是一款具备基于硬件无传感器FOC控制功能的ASIC,其配有独立的调试接口卡。可将XMC1302控制卡与来自μIPM™ IRSM836系列或μIPM-DIP IRSM505系列的 四个功率板中的任意一个(500V或250V)选配在一起组成套件。



英飞凌5月份将通过 www.infineon.com/MADK和全球各地的经销商提供4个套件和6个不同的单板。通过该链接,用户还可获得针对每个套件的软件包,并了解关于iMotion MADK的其他信息。

Press Photos

  • Using the iMotion™ Modular Application Design Kit, a full functioning motor system will be running in less than one hour, enabling fast time to market. Designers only need a few steps to run the motor: plug the cards into their PC, motor and grid, download, install and parameterize the software.
    Using the iMotion™ Modular Application Design Kit, a full functioning motor system will be running in less than one hour, enabling fast time to market. Designers only need a few steps to run the motor: plug the cards into their PC, motor and grid, download, install and parameterize the software.

    JPG | 918 kb | 2126 x 1416 px

  • Using the iMotion™ Modular Application Design Kit, a full functioning motor system will be running in less than one hour, enabling fast time to market. Designers only need a few steps to run the motor: plug the cards into their PC, motor and grid, download, install and parameterize the software.
    Using the iMotion™ Modular Application Design Kit, a full functioning motor system will be running in less than one hour, enabling fast time to market. Designers only need a few steps to run the motor: plug the cards into their PC, motor and grid, download, install and parameterize the software.

    JPG | 1015 kb | 2126 x 1417 px

  • Using the iMotion™ Modular Application Design Kit, a full functioning motor system will be running in less than one hour, enabling fast time to market. Designers only need a few steps to run the motor: plug the cards into their PC, motor and grid, download, install and parameterize the software.
    Using the iMotion™ Modular Application Design Kit, a full functioning motor system will be running in less than one hour, enabling fast time to market. Designers only need a few steps to run the motor: plug the cards into their PC, motor and grid, download, install and parameterize the software.

    JPG | 935 kb | 2126 x 1417 px

  • Using the iMotion™ Modular Application Design Kit, a full functioning motor system will be running in less than one hour, enabling fast time to market. Designers only need a few steps to run the motor: plug the cards into their PC, motor and grid, download, install and parameterize the software.
    Using the iMotion™ Modular Application Design Kit, a full functioning motor system will be running in less than one hour, enabling fast time to market. Designers only need a few steps to run the motor: plug the cards into their PC, motor and grid, download, install and parameterize the software.

    JPG | 1.15 mb | 2126 x 1416 px