AURIXTM TC375 lite kit is equipped with a 32-Bit Single-Chip AURIXTM TriCoreTM based-Microcontroller AurixTM TC375. It can be used with a range of development tools including AURIXTM Development Studio, Infineon’s free of charge Eclipse-based IDE, or the Eclipse-based “FreeEntryToolchain” from Hightec/PLS/Infineon
- on-board miniWiggler Micro-AB USB interface
- external powering 5 V…40 V (recommended 7 V...14 V)
- Most AURIX™ pins available on expansion connectors (X1, X2)
- Two Infineon Shield2Go connectors
- Arduino compatible connectors for 3.3 V
- mikroBUS™ connector
- Micro-USB connector
- DAP Debug connector
- CAN connector
- RJ45 connector
- CAN transceiver TLE9251VSJ from Infineon
- Low Power 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Physical Layer Transceiver DP83825I
- 1 user push-button, 3 user LEDs
- Reset push-button
- Potentiometer (10 kOhm) for variable analog input